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Tag Immolation

Abysme – Strange Rites (Hellthrasher Productions)

Forget the latest trends, forget superhuman, athletic instrumentation, forget technicality and sophistication; if the world does end on the 21st December as some people claim the Mayans predicted, I want to be listening to something like Abysme. The band themselves… Continue Reading →

Incantation – Vanquish In Vengeance (Listenable Records)

New releases from old bands are bad news. Really? Some bands just do not accept that they have become ridiculous and have sold out, so instead they play what they are passionate about. See Autopsy’s new album, Asphyx’s ‘Deathhammer’, Immolation’s… Continue Reading →

Marduk, Immolation & Supports – London Underworld 29/9/12

This was one of those mix it up and throw extreme black and death metal bands on a tour together kind of thangs. Whilst some moaned about not wanting to see all of the bands, as far as business sense… Continue Reading →

Warclouds – A Disturbing Presence (SR)

One look at the cover art and logo style and I was rather unimpressed it has to be said as this one man death metal project from Brazil has relocated to London and added new musicians (from Greece and Cyprus)… Continue Reading →

Deserted Fear – My Empire (FDA Rekotz)

The renowned Dan Swanö has mixed and mastered this old school death metal album at Unisound so the sound is top rate, gnarly and drenched in gooey bass and drum slime from the off, which eventually starts with “The Battalion… Continue Reading →

Offending – Age of Perversion (Deepsend Records)

‘Age of Perversion’ is Offending’s second album, and exhibits a number of French musicians whose backgrounds are predominantly rooted in black metal. Coming from Deepsend though – the same label which recently introduced me to the enjoyable Deadly Remains –… Continue Reading →

Ectovoid – Fractured in the Timeless Abyss (Hellthrasher Productions)

Helltrasher Productions present us with Ectovoid’s debut album, a blacked death affair – with no thrash in sight, ironically. Instead of calling ‘ol good midlands Brumingham their home, we’re talking Alabamians here… die-hards Yankee marauders of the darkened realms of… Continue Reading →

Resurgency – False Enlightenment (Hellthrasher Productions)

Resurgency hail from the Greek city of Athens and spend their days playing death metal the olde way. The band’s line-up comprises two members of rising force Necrovorous, namely Tolis B on bass and the ever-busy Vagelis Felonis on drums…. Continue Reading →

Recueil Morbide – Only Hate Left (Great Dane Records)

They say never judge a book by its cover (amongst other things). In the case of `Only Hate Left’, the fourth album by French death metal pummelists, any snap judgements you might make on glancing at the cover will only… Continue Reading →

Naer Mataron – ΖΗΤΩ Ο ΘΑΝΑΤΟ (Witching Hour Productions)

Now if you’re not interested in politics then I suggest you skip the first paragraph and half to the next and read from there, otherwise continue on. Controversy has never really left black metal since the early church burning days,… Continue Reading →

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