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Tag Immolation

Perdition Temple – The Tempter’s Victorious (Hell’s Headbangers)

It’s probably best to start off by stating that Angelcorpse are pretty much my favourite band of all time. When they disbanded (again) in 2009 and news came of guitarist Gene Palubicki releasing material intended for the fifth Angelcorpse CD… Continue Reading →

Karyn Crisis’ Gospel Of The Witches – Salem’s Wounds (Century Media)

Gospel Of The Witches is the latest band from former Crisis and Ephel Duath vocalist Karyn Crisis, who along with husband (and Ephel Duath guitarist) Davide Tiso have created ‘Salem’s Wounds’, a fan-funded project that has been 5 years in… Continue Reading →

Destroying Divinity – Hollow Dominion (Lavadome Productions)

I don’t normally get my hands on the more brutal death metal releases but this one turned up just before Xmas, got a play and then got a few more, keeping my levels of anger in balance over the festive… Continue Reading →

Interview – Execration

For those who misguidedly believe death metal to be a one dimensional form of music I present Norway’s Execration. Their third album, the aptly titled ‘Morbid Dimensions’, blew me away when I received it for review a couple of weeks… Continue Reading →

Whore of Bethlehem – Upon Judas’ Throne (S/R)

Forming in 2009, this is the debut album from Texas’ Whore of Bethlehem, a band who very quickly enraptured me with their high quality musical output. The first thing which surprised me was that I was expecting something which sat… Continue Reading →

Drowned – Idola Specus (Sepulchral Voice)

Drowned has been gearing up to release its debut record for an awfully long time. Formed in Berlin way back in 1992, they have thus far released seven demos and one EP over a twenty-year period spanning from 1993-2013. In… Continue Reading →

Unaussprechlichen Kulten – Baphomet Pan Shub-Niggurath (Iron Bonehead)

With a moniker like that, you’d expect a Germanic entity to be behind ‘Baphomet Pan Shub-Niggurath’. Instead, Unaussprechlichten Kulten are a Chilean mob inspired by an H.P. Lovecraft story of the same name. As I have no familiarity with the… Continue Reading →

Burning Flesh – New Chaos Order (Great Dane)

Not to be confused with the Chilean death metal band of the same name, this Burning Flesh are a Swiss / French 5 piece and ‘New Chaos Order’, their second album is the follow up to 2010’s debut, ‘Unconscious Deformity’… Continue Reading →

Grave Miasma – Odori Sepulcrorum (Sepulchral Voice)

It’s still surprising to me that this is Grave Miasma’s debut full length album, seeing as I (like many others) was completely imbued with the sickness of their two EPs which preceded this. Originally forming under the name Goat Molestör… Continue Reading →

Svart Crown – Profane (Listenable Records)

My love of modern French metal is well documented, and whilst I had heard of Svart Crown in the past I had never actually heard them until the powers that be presented me with their latest offering ‘Profane’. The French… Continue Reading →

Pathogen – Miscreants of Blood Lusting Aberrations (Dunkelheit Produktionen)

The title to this band’s second album is probably the strangest I have been confronted with in my time at Ave Noctum. Stranger still, however, is the history of the album. Originally released in 2010 as a limited cassette edition,… Continue Reading →

Dehumanized – Controlled Elite (Comatose Music)

New Yorkers Dehumanized have been on and off the scene since 1995. However, unfortunately their discography is looking a little empty. With only a demo in 1996 (Terminal Punishment), then a full-length album in 1998(Prophecies Foretold) and another demo in… Continue Reading →

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