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Tag Heilung

Nanna Barslev – Lysbaerer (By Norse)

Nanna Barslev is a neofolk musician from Denmark active since the 1990s and known as the front women of bands Huldre, Asynje, Gny and Ættir. While performing mostly as a vocalist, she is also an accomplished instrumentalist for various traditional… Continue Reading →

Wyrdstaef – Great Migration (S/R)

Anticipation is a strange beast, especially in the case of the UK’s own tribe of migrating Palaeolithic people Wyrdstaef. With a mere handful of shows they have by force of presence and performance managed to create the kind of interest… Continue Reading →

Lunatic Soul – Through Shaded Woods (Kscope)

Poland is home to Europe’s largest primeval forest, the Bialowieza forest, an ecosystem largely untouched since the last ice age and an Unesco world heritage site. Neither the forest’s uniqueness nor its status did hinder the ruling populist, right-wing governing… Continue Reading →

Garmarna – Förbundet (Season of Mist)

I was relatively late to the Garmarna party, only really becoming aware of them at Midgardsblot a few years ago. Since then, I have been intrigued by their unique brand of eclectic folk rock and have enjoyed exploring their 30… Continue Reading →

Midgardsblot Metal Festival – Borre, Vestfold, Norway 17/8/19

Day 3  Saturday I already knew that the weather forecast was going to be dodgy as a storm had passed over the region during the night (I slept through it I might add) and left its raging remnants for me… Continue Reading →

Heilung – Futha (Season Of Mist)

Neofolk, the label most frequently attached to Heilung, doesn’t even come close to describing what the band are doing. Amplified history, the term they came up with themselves to define their art, is more fitting and actually pretty precise, but… Continue Reading →

Heilung, Seven That Spells, Messa – Roadburn Festival Tilburg Holland

Too little time, too many good bands to see! That about sums up the two days I spent at this year’s Roadburn festival. The three shows I’ve chosen to review might not look like the obvious choices, but taken together… Continue Reading →

Interview / Preview Rúnagaderung – The Runic Gathering York, The Fulford Arms 22-23/2/19

An Interview with Connor Sanders of Northern Extremity Promotions and Wyrdstaef.  Jorvik: An ancient city which can wear many masks from modern tourist centre, through Dickensian Christmas timewarp to Viking and Roman settlement. This time of year though it is… Continue Reading →

Skald – Vikings Chant (Decca / Universal)

Without going too far into the whys and wherefores apparently French composer/producer Christophe Voisin-Boisvinet found three singers whose voices had ‘atypical timbres’. Nope, not sure myself and even less having listened to this. I do know he found three very… Continue Reading →

Midgardsblot – Borre, Vestfold, Norway 17 – 19th August 2017 Day 3

DAY THREE: SATURDAY Day three was to be much less frantic as I started with the usual bus ride that included a test by the bus driver in my pronunciation of the bus stop we were to get off at,… Continue Reading →

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