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Tag Hawkwind

Windhand – Grief’s Eternal Flower (Relapse)

Windhand’s last album, ‘Soma’, was a near text book example of epic doom, closing off with the masterpiece of crushing desolation that is the thirty minute ‘Boleskine’. Jump forward to 2015 and in order not to be overshadowed, the band… Continue Reading →

Horisont – Odyssey (Rise Above)

Horisont go Prog! OK, it’s not a sonic U-Turn or anything, just a natural progression (pun intended) of their existing style, but here on “Odyssey”, Prog Rock is definitely in evidence from the start in it’s keyboard sprinkled, dual guitar-throwing,… Continue Reading →

Northwinds – Eternal Winter (Black Widow)

Parisian doom devotees Northwinds proudly present this, their fifth full length studio album, complete with its typically beautiful album cover by Stefano Sugni. To briefly and dismissively label this band simply as `Doom’ however, does them a great injustice in… Continue Reading →

Zothique – Faith, Hope And Charity (S/R)

I really enjoyed the last self-titled and second album from Japanese nutters Zothique. It kind of came out of nowhere as has the follow up, unexpectedly arriving in the post all the way from the Far East. Zothique do have… Continue Reading →

Space Fisters – Vol. 1 (S/R)

Okay, I’ll admit it was the name that first got me interested in this band. As you might imagine the “Space” part whetted my appetite for a bit of intergalactic rock in the fine tradition of Hawkwind, but really, “Fisters”?… Continue Reading →

The Soviet Space Programme – Space Is Hell (S/R)

I am more than happy to be sent into space, the further the better and some may even say I permanently reside there.  This takes me nicely onto this doom, drone, ambient, noise project The Soviet Space Programme composed by… Continue Reading →

Black Space Riders – Refugeeum (Black Space Records)

There is an old adage that goes if you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all (dear editor, is that okay?  No!  Oh well.) Here comes the part of this review lark I hate the most, namely being… Continue Reading →

Ecstatic Vision – Sonic Praise (Relapse)

For decades, Ecstatic Vision have been one of those bands about whom so many legends have arisen, but so little is actually known. Was their attempt to poach him after he laid down some guest vocals the real reason Captain… Continue Reading →

Goblin Rebirth – S/T (Relapse)

The band that started life as Oliver, morphed into Cherry Five and then finally Goblin in the mid 70’s have certainly been through a confusing conundrum of stages and splinter groups since they fragmented in the early 80’s. The band… Continue Reading →

Domovoyd – ST (Svart)

If you’ve not yet caught this act, a quick scan of my music collection shows that Domovoyd have so far let loose upon the world their rather good ‘Mythonaut’ EP, 2012’s ‘Mammoth’, and debut long player ‘Oh Sensibility’, all well… Continue Reading →

Arcturus – Arcturian (Prophecy)

This is one of those albums we never really expected to happen. After Arcturus split in 2007 following on from their ‘Sideshow Symphonies’ album a couple of years earlier things seemed pretty final. However they had persevered through losing original… Continue Reading →

Reino Ermitano – Conjuros de Poder (Ogro)

You wait years for a Peruvian doom album and then two turn up in the space of weeks. To be fair there can’t be too many bands playing this sort of style in the country but then again what do… Continue Reading →

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