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Tag hardcore

River Black – S/T (Season of Mist)

From what I can tell, River Black comprise of 3 members of the now defunct Burnt By The Sun, guitarist John Adubato, drummer David Witte and vocalist Mike Olender, along with Revocation bassist Brett Bamberger, making this début album River… Continue Reading →

Expulsion – Nightmare Future (Relapse Records)

Any band that consists of Matt Olivo (Repulsion), Matt Harvey (Gruesome, Exhumed), Danny Walker (Exhumed, Intronaut, Phobia) and Menno Verbaten (), should be a beast and that is exactly what this debut release is, but I wish it was longer… Continue Reading →

Integrity – Howling, For The Nightmare Shall Consume (Relapse Records)

Few acts can truly be called pioneers but US act Integrity deserve that accolade for spearheading a movement of hardcore that surpassed the parameters of the genre that flourished during the late 70s and 80s by manipulating the genre into… Continue Reading →

Next to None – Phases (Inside Out)

I first came across Next to None this year when they accompanied Haken on tour. Loads of action and variety are what I remember about the performance of this band from USA. “Phases” is their second album. “Answer Me” sets… Continue Reading →

Barrabus – S/T (Undergroove)

Well it’s been a while since last confronting the dulcet tones of Paul Catten. In fact if memory serves it was Damnation Festival 2011 when he last screamed at me via A Man Called Catten with songs from favourite beat… Continue Reading →

Au-Dessus – End of Chapter (Les Acteurs de l’Ombre)

Lithuania’s Au-Dessus promise to “push the post black metal borders out” with this album. What I heard in the initial stages was something akin to Novembre, building up in ferocity and intensity. In fact “VI” – “I” to “V” are… Continue Reading →

Jagged Vision – Death is this World (Fysisk Format)

Well, I wasn’t really expecting this, if I’m honest. Of course, judging a CD by its cover can be a risky business at the best of times, but upon looking at the smart monochrome cover of this package, I thought… Continue Reading →

Sibiir – S/T (Fysisk Format)

This relatively new outfit from Norway released a venomous EP in 2015 by the title of “Swallow & Trap Them” melding black metal vitriol with post hardcore nihilism as the band releases a debut full length that appeared during the… Continue Reading →

Krysthla – Peace In Our Time (Initiate Audio)

The debut album by this Wellingborough based mob ‘A War Of Souls And Desires’ was a vicious S.O.B. make no mistake. Similarly when they tore things up at Bloodstock Festival in the Sophie Tent getting a pit full of ugly… Continue Reading →

Primal Attack – Heartless Oppressor (Rastilho Records)

‘Heartless Oppressor’ is the second album by this Portuguese quintet formed in Lisbon in 2012 comprising of Pica on vocals, Tiago and Miguel on rhythm and lead guitars respectively, Miranda on bass and Mike on drums. The album opens with… Continue Reading →

Hyenas – Deadweights (Pelagic Records)

If you didn’t know Pelagic Records is the label run by Robin Staps from The Ocean who you should recognise. The label is packed with excellent bands ranging from post rock to grindcore as this new proposition from Germany unveils… Continue Reading →

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