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Tag hardcore

Truchlo Strzygi – Pora Umierac (Godz ov War)

“Black and punk metal from Poland” is the minimalist description of this one. If it’s a case of take it or leave it, I’ll take it. Time to die – well, that’s what the title means. It sounds intriguing. The… Continue Reading →

Chaos Before Gea – Chronos (Blood Fire Death)

This third album by Chaos Before Gea is a rather mixed bag and by that, I mean the Spanish quintet appear to call on a whole host of influences when styling their sound. Open track the “The Void” starts feeling… Continue Reading →

Svalbard – It’s Hard To Have Hope (Holy Roar)

They sure know how to pick their bands at Holy Roar Records. Svalbard is certainly another stroke of genius. This perfect, angry, energy-laden mixture of melodic death metal, hardcore, crust punk and post-rock with female vocals and socially critical lyrics… Continue Reading →

Violation Wound – With Man In Charge (Peaceville Records)

Headed up by Chris Reifert (Autopsy) there is a spattering of releases from Violation Wound who formed in 2014 when I reviewed the bands self-titled debut of which I was very complimentary with its no nonsense skin stripping punk rock…. Continue Reading →

Septic Tank – Rotting Civilization (Rise Above)

As the old saying goes “A leopard can’t change its spots”. When you apply this to bands and side projects it is mostly true- musicians tend to naturally gravitate towards what they know. In the case of Septic Tank, this… Continue Reading →

Zeke – Hellbender (Relapse)

Motorhead’s shadow cast long over Lemmy and co’s career. Punk bands especially felt an affinity for the speed fuelled balls out fury the band unleashed.  One band that were certainly ejaculated out of Snaggletooth’s hairy phallus is Zeke. Formed in Seattle… Continue Reading →

Ancst – Ghosts of the Timeless Void (Lifeforce)

Hands up those who want a spot of hardcore-infused black metal crust. Well, it’s perpetually gloomy outside so why not? “Ghosts of the Timeless Void” is Ancst’s second full album, supplemented by a number of Eps and split works over… Continue Reading →

Moscow Death Brigade – Boltcutter (Fire And Flames Music)

When nostalgists wax lyrical about the 1990’s there is something that is always overlooked amongst the plaid shirts, baggy tie dye and bucket hats. At one point you would have found me jumping around a field in Berkshire (more specifically… Continue Reading →

The Atlas Moth – Coma Noir (Prosthetic Records)

The Atlas Moth. I had heard of the band before, but somehow, I’ve managed to fully ignore their music so far, even though the band is making the type of music that usually sparks my interest. Hailing from Chicago in… Continue Reading →

Nuisance Of Majority – Savage Ritual (S/R)

Hailing from Kiel in the northern-most reaches of the Schleswig-Holstein state in Germany are Nuisance Of Majority. This band have been kicking around since the early 2000’s and have won praise from many corners, being likened to “A piss-up hosted… Continue Reading →

Unsane – Sterilize (Southern Lord)

Album ♯7 from Unsane, purveyors of New York’s post punk/hardcore, noise rock or whatever you want to call their style. Their career has spanned almost thirty years. My first encounter was their 2005 album “Blood Run” which mixed aggression with… Continue Reading →

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