Headed up by Chris Reifert (Autopsy) there is a spattering of releases from Violation Wound who formed in 2014 when I reviewed the bands self-titled debut of which I was very complimentary with its no nonsense skin stripping punk rock…. Continue Reading →
Motorhead’s shadow cast long over Lemmy and co’s career. Punk bands especially felt an affinity for the speed fuelled balls out fury the band unleashed. One band that were certainly ejaculated out of Snaggletooth’s hairy phallus is Zeke. Formed in Seattle… Continue Reading →
When nostalgists wax lyrical about the 1990’s there is something that is always overlooked amongst the plaid shirts, baggy tie dye and bucket hats. At one point you would have found me jumping around a field in Berkshire (more specifically… Continue Reading →
The Atlas Moth. I had heard of the band before, but somehow, I’ve managed to fully ignore their music so far, even though the band is making the type of music that usually sparks my interest. Hailing from Chicago in… Continue Reading →
Album ♯7 from Unsane, purveyors of New York’s post punk/hardcore, noise rock or whatever you want to call their style. Their career has spanned almost thirty years. My first encounter was their 2005 album “Blood Run” which mixed aggression with… Continue Reading →
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