You’re probably well aware of some of Switzerland’s biggest exports; army knives, chocolates, cheese, clocks, and cowbells, but did you consider hard core punk metal? No? Maybe you should. You may be pleasantly surprised by Coilguns and their third full… Continue Reading →
Spain hasn’t been my go to location for hardcore in my collection over the last 30 years or so as these Basque Country bruisers unleash a fifth album heavily tinged with metallic components. With all lyrics sang in Basque or… Continue Reading →
Let me tell you what I know about this band. Skøv are a black punk metal band from Poland, and formed in 2017. I was told beforehand that they sound like the Norwegian band Kverletak. Add rock n roll to… Continue Reading →
Back in the day, when all was well with the world, and all that mattered was the next Death gig, or a new Megadeth t-shirt or having enough money to get the bus to school and have enough left over… Continue Reading →
Punk! And as it should be: loud, fast, angry, trashy, vulgar and respectless. Länge leve, has got it all, including a “fuck you” attitude. Or how else to call it when a Finnish band send their release to a British… Continue Reading →
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