“We’re just two little girls from Little Rock. We lived on the wrong side of the tracks” Jane Russel and Marilyn Monroe sang wonderfully in “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes”. I gotta say that was the first thing that sprang to mind when I read… Continue Reading →
A debut album, nine tracks, with a playtime of under twenty minutes – that alone should tell you what genre this belongs to. If it doesn’t, you literally must have been born yesterday. I’ll give you a hint: It’s not… Continue Reading →
Now that the naming rights have been sorted out, Harley Flanagan and Rocky George (many should know these names!) come at you with a new release which features the tracks from their two recent EP’s, namely ‘Don’t Give In’ and… Continue Reading →
The fact that half the title of Utilitarian’s new release is appropriated from CRASS (all property is theft) gives you an idea of the political slant and moral compass of this lot from Sheffield . The band name is shared… Continue Reading →
It would be fair, to the uninitiated, to write off a band with a moniker, that is so deliberately obtuse, decidedly antagonistic and damn right comedic, as a joke, non-serious, detritus that belongs in the same bucket of slop as… Continue Reading →
Having been around for almost a quarter of a century, Sweden’s Wolfbrigade have long been established as a staple of the hardcore scene, having coined the term “lycanthro-punk” along the way. ‘The Enemy: Reality’ is the five piece’s seventh studio… Continue Reading →
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