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Tag hard rock

The Night Flight Orchestra – Amber Galactic (Nuclear Blast)

Although this is the band’s third album, I understand it’s their first for Nuclear Blast, so there may be plenty of people unaware of exactly who is in this project – so who the hell are they? OK, so you’ve… Continue Reading →

Kobra and the Lotus – Prevail I (Napalm)

Last November I had the pleasure of interviewing Kobra when she rolled into Manchester with Delain, Evergrey and, of course, the rest of Kobra and the Lotus. During that interview we discussed their forthcoming album and she revealed that although… Continue Reading →

Saturn – Beyond Spectra (Rise Above)

It’s been a while since Saturn’s retro debut that aimed itself quite specifically Hard Rock/Fledgeling Metal from 1974-77. Three years to be precise, but I’m here to report that the band have widened their field just a little (71-78 perhaps…),… Continue Reading →

Danko Jones – Wild Cat (AFM)

Radio host, Rock and metal columnist, Spoken word enthusiast, Danko Jones is many things, but the most important thing in this particular area of interest currently, is a hard rock magician. The Ontarian frontman and his three piece have been… Continue Reading →

Horisont – About Time (Century Media)

Horisont are celebrating ten years in existence with this their fifth album and I’m very happy to say I’ve been with them all the way. Horisont love what they do and it always comes across in their progressive-tinged retro hard… Continue Reading →

Magnet – Feel Your Fire (Soulseller Records)

It’s 2017, I’m rapidly approaching five decades on this planet, and I’m glad to say that many new bands are willing to set sail across the seas of Rock aboard the good ship retro, and Magnet, helmed by Psychedelic Witchcraft’s… Continue Reading →

Noise Emission Control – Desordre Et Mepris (S/R)

Formed in 2006, Noise Emission Control are a formidable four piece. With a blend of hardcore, hard rock and an old school punk vibe all thrown together to create a highly charged, self-released EP titled “Desordre et Mepres” which roughly… Continue Reading →

Crobot – Welcome To Fat City (Nuclear Blast)

Back in the mists of time, okay October 2014 to be honest (see Ave Noctum passim), I reviewed Crobot’s first release ‘Something Supernatural’, and revisiting that review, I guess I was less than generous, enjoying it, but not being blown… Continue Reading →

High Spirits – Motivator (High Roller)

Since their inception, High Spirits are a drug you can’t live without. Chris Black’s vocal tones are fantastic, precise and warming, this album really feels like a seasoned part of your collection from the first run through. It is Instantly… Continue Reading →

Worshipper – Shadow Hymns (Tee Pee)

Consisting of some seasoned musicians from Boston USA, Worshipper unleash their debut having only been formed for a year or so. And an impressive debut it is starting with it’s interesting cover art, which is very non-committal as to the… Continue Reading →

Motorowl – Om Generator (Century Media)

This young band from Germany specialise in 1970s hard rock. On the face of it seems a strange direction to take, but what was clear from the outset is that Motorowl know to craft a powerful groove-laden song. Yes, the… Continue Reading →

Beelzefuzz – The Righteous Bloom (The Church Within)

With their eponymous 2013 debut, Beelzefuzz pretty much set the bar for what those who also set sail on the good ship retro rock would have to live up to; an album that was simultaneously cutting edge and timeless, it… Continue Reading →

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