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Tag Hail Spirit Noir

Hail Spirit Noir – Fossil Gardens (Agonia Records)

I didn’t think this Greek band could ever surpass the delights shown on their last album ‘Eden In Reverse’ but I was clearly very wrong about that assertion as the band has taken their creative genius another step forward for… Continue Reading →

Katavasia – Magnus Venator (Floga Records)

There is something sublime about Katavasia’s sophomore album, a majesty that flows out from the nine tracks that is probably down to the experience within the ranks of its members that has come from Varathron, Hail Spirit Noir, Aenaon to… Continue Reading →

Hail Spirit Noir – Eden In Reverse (Agonia Records)

Transcending the norms of progressive blackened extremity Greek act Hail Spirit Noir continue their exploratory sonic narrative carved out on three previous exhilarating releases whose last album, ‘Mayhem In Blue’, which I reviewed here, and contained everything you could desire… Continue Reading →

Until Rain – Inure (Sensory Records)

This is Greek band Until Rain’s third album release as follow-up to “The Reign of Dreams” (2009) and “Anthem to Creation” (2013). My only encounter with the band was at ProgPower Europe in 2015. What I remember about that was… Continue Reading →

Hail Spirit Noir – Mayhem In Blue (Dark Essence Records)

I was first introduced to this Greek band via their second album titled “Oi Magoi” and was struck immediately by their uniqueness and their completely off the wall style. So, buckle up as we head down the proverbial rabbit hole… Continue Reading →

Hail Spirit Noir – Pneuma

  Artist: Hail Spirit Noir Title: Pneuma Type: Album Label: Code 666 I had a strong inkling of what this would be like, having heard work by Transcending Bizarre?, two of whose members are the inspiration behind Hail Spirit Noir…. Continue Reading →

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