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Tag H.P. Lovecraft

Lavagoat – Weird Menace (S/R)

In the last couple of years Lavagoat have released from the dark woods of Canada two of the finest and dirtiest blackened doom albums to have crept across the frozen North and into my play lists, namely the exceptional self-titled… Continue Reading →

Unaussprechlichen Kulten – Baphomet Pan Shub-Niggurath (Iron Bonehead)

With a moniker like that, you’d expect a Germanic entity to be behind ‘Baphomet Pan Shub-Niggurath’. Instead, Unaussprechlichten Kulten are a Chilean mob inspired by an H.P. Lovecraft story of the same name. As I have no familiarity with the… Continue Reading →

Cloven Hoof – Resist or Serve (High Roller Records)

If you’re a long term fan of Heavy Metal, there’s a good chance that the Cloven Hoof name is one that you will remember harking back to the late seventies, early eighties surge of fresh young bands from the UK… Continue Reading →

Lurking Fear – C Courtney Joiner (88 Films)

“The thing came abruptly and unannounced; a demon, rat-like, scurrying from pits remote and unimaginable, a hellish panting and stifled grunting, and then from that opening beneath the chimney a burst of multitudinous and leprous life – a loathsome night-spawned… Continue Reading →

Vanhelgd – Relics of Sulphur Salvation (Pulverised)

What’s that? A Swedish death metal band, releasing their third album you say? A band which I haven’t come across before?! Egads! Thus, I approached ‘Relics of Sulphur Salvation’ with all the trepidation of a starved puppy to an over-filled… Continue Reading →

Puteraeon – The Crawling Chaos (Cyclone Empire)

Sweden’s Puteraeon are back once again with another fine slice of old school death metal, laced with lyrical Lovecraft worship. This band are one of the busiest and hardest working bands I have come across in a long time. Since… Continue Reading →

The Great Old Ones – Tekeli Li (LADLO Productions)

Springing from seemingly nowhere but tethered to the astral plane of Bordeaux France in 2012 The Great Old Ones delivered a momentous slab of black doom in the form of Al-Azif which had everyone who encountered it sitting up and… Continue Reading →

Astrophobos – Remnants of Forgotten Horrors (Triumvirate Records)

`Remnants of Forgotten Horrors’ is a remarkably apt name for this, the debut album of Swedish band Astrophobos (named after an H.P. Lovecraft poem). This album absolutely and totally harks back to a time when this youthful band were probably … Continue Reading →

I Shalt Become – Louisiana Voodoo (Saadi Saati)

I absolutely loved drinking in the rich atmospheric grimness of ‘Poison’ the last 2010 released album from Illinois based black metal entity S Holliman. It conveyed a huge depth of expression with a classical backbone swirling around eldritch black metal… Continue Reading →

Inferno – Omniabsence Filled By His Greatness (Agonia)

Inferno is one of those black metal bands whose back catalogue makes everyone else look lazy. Kicking off in the mid-nineties, they’ve had no fewer than 35 releases by rough count, mainly splits and demos but also, including this one,… Continue Reading →

Smothered – The Inevitable End (Soulseller Records)

How often do you read a review of an album in the magazines / on the net and the words ‘sounds like (insert band name)’  or ‘this is a (insert band name) rip off’ pop up? Happens to me lots… Continue Reading →

Damnation’s Hammer- Disciples of the Hex (I Hate)

A re-worked version of a 2009 demo, ‘Disciples of the Hex’ is the debut album by this Lancashire-based doom/death trio. The first thing that struck me when I headed to the band’s metal archives page was just how Celtic Frost-y… Continue Reading →

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