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Tag Greece

Rotting Christ – The Heretics (Season Of Mist)

What a great time to be a Rotting Christ fan. New book Non Serviam has provided a huge insight into the history of the Greek band who have simply gone from strength to strength over the last 3 decades plus…. Continue Reading →

Non Serviam The Official Story Of Rotting Christ – Sakis Tolis & Dayal Patterson (Cult Never Dies)

If you are on this site and playing a word association game “Greece” will no doubt be swiftly followed by thoughts of Rotting Christ as much as package holidays. Without doubt, with over three decades of history behind the much… Continue Reading →

Dødsferd – Diseased Remnants Of A Dying World (Transcending Obscurity)

For all my metallic ramblings you would be forgiven in thinking that all I care about in the realms of extremity is Death Metal. This is certainly not the case, I love almost all genres of Metal and if we… Continue Reading →

Mass Infection – Shadows Became Flesh (Comatose)

To actually be just one genre nowadays is pretty difficult, especially with the rise of the sort of Bandcamp generation that is hell-bent on creating new tags daily which latterly become sub-sub-sub genres. Really it’s all a bit crazy but… Continue Reading →

Shibalba – Stars Al-Med Hum (Agonia)

This here is a collaboration between Greek and Swedish luminaries from Acherontas and Nastrond. Being on Agonia you expect a degree of class and seriousness and it certainly doesn’t disappoint in that respect; there’s a deep, lush production here which… Continue Reading →

Saboter – Architects Of Evil (No Remorse)

On the surface Saboter seem happy to offer themselves up as a no nonsense, heavy as you like Metal band. It’s a shrewd move in some ways, let people discover you for themselves and hear what they hear in their… Continue Reading →

Lucifer’s Child – The Order (Agonia)

Appearing seemingly out of nowhere ‘The Wiccan’, debut album from Lucifer’s Child impressed no end. No surprise about that really as the Greek band comprises of members of Rotting Christ, Nightfall and Chaostar instrumentally along with the singer from Karma… Continue Reading →

Nochny Dozor – S/T (Prophecy)

A band from Greece with a Russian name, singing in English, named after a fantasy novel by a Russian author. How does all of that fit together? And how is it connected to their debut EP’s cover design featuring a… Continue Reading →

Archemoron – Year of the Harvester (Southern Prayer)

Archemoron issued forth a cracking album in 2015 with Sulphur and Fire – both nuanced and powerful, like all the best Greek black metal. It turned a few heads and, even though I’d argue that it should have received more… Continue Reading →

BattleroaR – Codex Epicus (Cruz Del Sur)

BattleroaR (still persisting with the capital R at the end of their name so lets humour them and not spoil things eh?) don’t do anything by half. It amazes me that it’s taken them until their fifth album to get… Continue Reading →

Acherontas – Faustian Ethos (Agonia)

Acherontas still struggle to shake off a questionable legacy (not helped by calling your previous outfit after a concentration camp) but nonetheless have managed to position themselves at the centre of the occult black metal movement with an output that… Continue Reading →

Heretic Cult Redeemer – Kelevsma (Shadow Records / Regain Records)

I had all but forgotten about Greek mob Heretic Cult Redeemer until desperately trying to find space in black metal towers (ie my CD racking) and attempting to fit the recent Hermóðr album in them, when their debut came tumbling… Continue Reading →

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