The choice of an opening track is always, always a statement of intent. Once you’ve got past atmospheric or brief instrumental guff that some bands put out there, the first proper track that you get is the benchmark and standard… Continue Reading →
Nobody does Doom Metal quite like Sweden. Yes, Sweden gave the world Candlemass so a precedent was set right there, but since then this great country has given the Metal world so many more striking bands under that Doom-soaked umbrella…. Continue Reading →
Right off the bat, I have to declare myself as a little biased when it comes to this review, as I’m a huge fan of vocalist Robert Lowe. Not only was he the lead singer of one of the most… Continue Reading →
So, 2020 has been, by pretty much all standards what we in the scientific community might term “crap”. However, it has brought with it a follow up album to the rather great record “Divided by Darkness”, by Spirit Adrift, which… Continue Reading →
Forged in 2014, this impressive Italian Heavy/Doom Metal band unleash their second album through Supreme Chaos and continue to build on their impressive debut. To elaborate on that Heavy/Doom Metal tag, we’re talking Spiritual Beggars/Mushroom River Band/The Quill type territory,… Continue Reading →
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