Featuring members of Australian doom outfit The Slow Death, this self-titled release by Illimitable Dolor represents a tribute to friend and bandmate Gregg Williamson. The Slow Death vocalist passed away in December 2014 and close friend Stuart Prickett began to… Continue Reading →
It may sound like a contradiction in terms but Monolithe is progressive doom with the emphasis on the word progressive. Take their 2012 album, the excellent ‘III’, which was my first encounter with Monolithe and the first time I reviewed… Continue Reading →
There’s always been a low-fi fringe to the funeral doom fraternity – and metal in general, I suppose – and it’s easy to forget the appeal of that in these days of digital perfection. What’s more the possibilities of the… Continue Reading →
“Playing anything new tonight?” “Nope not yet!” That’s generally how it has gone the last few times I have seen Esoteric live and I can appreciate this. It might have been 2011 since last album ‘Paragon Of Dissonance’ dropped but… Continue Reading →
We have not heard anything from Goatpsalm since 2012 release ‘Erset La Tari,’ a ritualistic and dark ambient exercise that took us into the crypt-like tombs of ancient civilisations. At the time we were not even privy to who these… Continue Reading →
Ambient doom brings with it a fuzzy feeling, occasioned by the misty atmosphere which in the old days would have meant interference on your television or transistor radio. Ggu:ll from Tilburg in the Netherlands join the less than happy campers… Continue Reading →
After seriously enjoying some recent epic masterworks from Monolithe and other entities from the more ambitious end of the doom death and funeral doom fraternity, I was keen to get my decimated ear drums around this debut from Norway’s Abyssic…. Continue Reading →
Prog funeral doom? I guess it had to happen even in this most conservative and tectonic of genres – here with elements of keyboard abuser Jean Michel Jarre, those other serial French synth talents Air and black metal hook machine… Continue Reading →
Monolithe have carved an excellent niche since they returned from a five year hiatus in 2012 with their musical signature, best described as progressive doom metal with a spring in its step. Each of the band’s four full-length releases has… Continue Reading →
Is that low rumbling vocal the final warning of a doomed earth tearing itself apart? Or maybe it’s just Tyranny returned from a decade long recording hiatus to put the icing on the cake in what is fast turning out… Continue Reading →
Much like the music they play Finnish funeral doomsters Skepticism don’t do things fast. Their last album Alloy was seven years ago and actual shows are hardly a regular occurrence. This perhaps means that combining the two is a bit… Continue Reading →
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