Atmospheric doom quartet Soon is the brainchild of Stuart McLamb and drummer Thomas Simpson. As purveyors of indie pop, their main project being The Love Language, it’s an unusual sidestep but is a most welcome one and offers up listeners… Continue Reading →
“Let us wander to the worlds beyond ours……” I opened the review of Forndom’s 2015 EP “Flykt” with a quote from the media blurb and feel obliged to do so again since it seems apt for the musical experience on… Continue Reading →
I have been a little starved of hearing the distinct dulcet tones of ex-patriot singer Matthew McNerney aka Kvohst of late. His Beastmilk project rebranded as Grave Pleasures have gained more mainstream success and latest album Dreamcrash didn’t see its… Continue Reading →
I like everything about Nhor. I like the pagan-pastoral vision, the unhurried compositions that braid black metal together with gently sombre acoustic passages; I like the album covers and the increasingly elaborate products that accompany its releases (the latest comes… Continue Reading →
Agusa are a psychedelic progressive rock band from Sweden. Reading their story, they formed in 2013 as a kind of organic project where they sat in a forest, played 70s prog and took it from there. This two track album… Continue Reading →
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