I’ve been a huge fan of Heathen since the early 90s, unfortunately they were already no more by the time I was a fan, not that it mattered, as I would never have been able to see them live from… Continue Reading →
Ipswich thrashers Elimination have charged back onto the UK Metal scene with a new line up for their latest release, the 6-track Ep “Of Gods And Beasts”, a release which features 3 studio recordings and 3 live tracks. For some… Continue Reading →
I’m actually surprised I was never more of a Mordred fan in my youth. It probably has more to do with only ever seeing their albums once or twice in ZA and never getting a chance to actively listening to… Continue Reading →
Norwich based thrashers Shrapnel are back and much like their name, they are tearing through things without mercy, cutting down all in their path with furious riffs, scathing vocals and piercing lead guitar work. Last time out, “Raised On Decay”… Continue Reading →
Testament are quite easily one of my favourite thrash bands, and like the majority of them, come from the Bay Area. That could be because I was introduced to most of them by a kid from Oakland that was over… Continue Reading →
Without question this stellar thrash package, dubbed ‘The Bay Area Strikes Back’, was the best to hit our shores in a very long time. Indeed the legacy of each band is legendary to say the least as this colossal tour… Continue Reading →
I’m kinda annoyed that I missed Suicidal Angels, as I was looking forward to getting to see them. Granted I only have ‘Bloodbath’, so their set would have been mostly unfamiliar material, but from the roar of approval they got… Continue Reading →
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