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Tag Epic

Vltimas – Epic (Season of Mist)

Has it really been five years since Vltimas released ‘Something Wicked Marches in’? The debut really struck a chord with me and is one that I return to pretty regularly. It’s fair to say I wasn’t in isolation and the… Continue Reading →

Ensiferum – Thalassic (Metal Blade)

Branded as Epic Folk Metal, Ensiferum’s journey has indeed been epic. And it gets more epic with every album – as time dictates it should. The band are the embodiment of epic, their music, lyrics, image – all epic, and… Continue Reading →

Interview – Ravensire

RAVENSIRE from Portugal are an epic heavy metal band, enthralled in historical lyrical content and musically solid making sounds that are very heavy. There are a few bands out there in the world involved in this style, but few have… Continue Reading →

The Flight Of Sleipnir – V (Napalm)

I’ve got to be honest, I think I initially bit off a bit much when I volunteered to review this one. Totally my fault, I was unfamiliar with the band, saw the artwork, scanned through a brief description and thought… Continue Reading →

Isole – The Calm Hunter (Cyclone Empire)

It’s AGES since I heard anything by Isole. My choice I’m sorry to say, as I heard their debut and follow-up at a time when it seemed like all I was listening to was Metal packed with orchestration, technical arrangements,… Continue Reading →

Solstice – Death’s Crown Is Victory (Invictus)

Well this promo turning up was a pleasant surprise. Those of you who bothered to read my End Of Year thing for 2013 would have noticed I have already praised this as it was available as a download from the… Continue Reading →

Dimaeon – Collapse of the Anthropocene (Layered Reality Productions)

Surprisingly, this is Dimaeon’s first full album in their eleven years of existence. The cv so far from these prolific live performers from The Netherlands shows that they have previously released two eps, taken part in a split “Frisian Metal… Continue Reading →

Frozen Ocean – And Hoarfrost Blooms Henceforth (Rigorism Productions)

Not actually a new release in case you were wondering but Vaarwel recently got in touch and asked if I would be willing to go back in time and cover some of his earlier work, apparently the discs were on… Continue Reading →

Evangelist – Doominicanes ( Doomentia)

There must be literally millions of metal bands in the world; some good, some awful. With so many bands with the passion for loud, heavy music, it is almost impossible to come up with something entirely original, without referring to… Continue Reading →

Mourning Beloveth – Formless (Grau)

Has it really been almost five years since ‘A Disease For The Ages,’ was released? Yes even though it hardly seems like it this Irish group have been inactive album wise for quite some time. When you look at it… Continue Reading →

Celtachor – Nine Waves from the Shore (SR)

Never were two themes more comfortably aligned than heavy metal and the legends of the Dark Ages and beyond. But, so keen are many of us to buy into it, that the output from the scene often fails to measure… Continue Reading →

Enslaved – RIITIIR (Nuclear Blast)

Some bands are just taken for granted these days. Some bands become so established, so familiar that they’re almost like part of the ‘listening furniture’ – an institution if you will – that, even if they’re universally acknowledged as providing… Continue Reading →

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