I’ve most likely touched on it many times before but music for sleep is very important to me. I love putting on Post-Rock, Ambient and even Noise to sleep to, it soothes my soul and means that I can get… Continue Reading →
Some eighteen months ago, should you care to peruse prior reviews on Ave Noctum, I was waxing lyrical on the undoubted virtues of Icelandic three piece Volcanova and their first album ‘Radical Waves’. Ah, eighteen months ago, the heady days… Continue Reading →
OK here’s something strange in your neighbourhood. A 20-minute E.P, both tracks EXACTLY 10 minutes long. Not 9:52 and 10:05 but both bang on the ten-minute mark. I know that should not effect me as much as it has but as a DJ I spend a lot of my… Continue Reading →
Having just released an album last year, the Finnish septet have been keeping themselves busy and are back with this 6-track EP. It’s a far more laid-back affair which at times seems to be showcasing the silences and mellowest of… Continue Reading →
Since its inception, the black metal genre has evolved to cover a huge variety of styles, most having little resemblance with the genres origins and many would argue that these newly evolved genres should not even carry the label Black… Continue Reading →
Covid –19 caused a lot of frustration for musicians. Stuck in lock down, unable to tour to promote recent releases idle hands were often put to the devil’s work. For Oslo’s Superlynx, having recorded Electric Temple their third full length in Summer 2020 they had some… Continue Reading →
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