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Tag Ensiferum

Inferno Festival – Oslo, Norway – 2nd April 2015

Day Two – Thursday 2nd April 2015 After the hugely enjoyable first night it was difficult to perceive how things could get better but they did with each passing moment it felt as Thursday got underway with a trip to… Continue Reading →

Heidevolk – Velua (Napalm)

There’s no messing around with twiddly, whimsical intros for Dutch Pagan Metallers Heidevolk. Nope, opening track ‘Winter Woede’ piles straight in there, brimming with their own special brand of Tyr-tinged, Ensiferum-edged Viking Metal that they have been crafting and honing… Continue Reading →

Ensiferum – One Man Army (Metal Blade)

Finland’s folksters Ensiferum meaning “Sword Bearer” started out in 1995 as a cover band with Wintersun’s Jari Mäenpää. However, Jari left in 2004 due to tour clashes with Wintersun. In came Petri Lindroos of Norther who originally only joined to… Continue Reading →

King of Asgard – Karg (Metal Blade)

Bolt the door, snuff out the lanterns, keep out of sight; the Vikings are coming! Rampaging through your village, with fire, sword and a brand new slab of crushing metal is King of Asgard, a bunch of Swedish Hell-raising heathens…. Continue Reading →

Lonewolf – The Fourth And Final Horseman (Napalm)

As the name suggests, Lonewolf owe plenty in style to original German Pirateers Running Wild (‘Lonewolf’ being one of RW’s better known tracks of course), which I have to admit is an area of Power Metal that I’m quite partial… Continue Reading →

Children Of Bodom – Halo Of Blood (Nuclear Blast)

It’s uncanny. There seems to be SO many people who when asked about Children Of Bodom admit to liking their first 3, maybe they might include “Hate Crew Deathroll” too, but just about everyone I speak to in the Metal… Continue Reading →

Starkill – Fires of Life (Century Media)

Furiously paced melodic death metal is an oversubscribed club these days but when it’s done with such panache the door is always open. Influenced by a host of bands, which mostly ran out of steam a few years ago, these… Continue Reading →

Incursed – Fimbulwinter (SR)

Viking Metal bands have been ten-a-penny for some time, to the extent that to discover a NEW band of marauders is becoming tiring. One feels for Athelstan or Alfred the Great who had them popping up ad nauseam. God save… Continue Reading →

Wintersun – Time I (Nuclear Blast)

Faster, higher, bigger…. more ‘epic’. There can be few areas of metal that have embraced new technology to the extent that power metal has. In the search for a ‘big’ sound, keyboards and computers have increasingly proved too much of… Continue Reading →

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