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Tag Ensiferum

Varus – A New Dawn (S/R)

Varus released their debut back in 2014 but aside from re-recording a track in the meantime not a lot has been heard from them since. But with a bit of a line-up shuffle and a new-found energy, this Symphonic Folk… Continue Reading →

October Falls – A Fall of an Epoch (Purity Through Fire)

October Falls are a longstanding black metal band from Finland, founded by Mikko Lehto in 2001. A one-man project in its beginnings, the band quickly expanded to a full band line up. Today, its three members can look back on… Continue Reading →

Dark Sarah – The Golden Moth (Inner Wound)

It’s no secret to anyone who has read some of my reviews on Ave Noctum that I have a bit of a dislike of “Disney-style” ballads within the Symphonic/Melodic Metal genre…so why on earth did I volunteer to review an… Continue Reading →

MIdgardsblot Metal Festival – Borre, Vestfold, Norway August 16-18 2018 (Part 2)

DAY 2 SATURDAY The first band weren’t due on until 15:00 on Saturday giving time for another walk along the fjord and around the burial mounds as well as a visit to the Midgard Vikingsenter, home of the festival’s seminars… Continue Reading →

Albums Of The Year 2017

PETE WOODS (EDITOR): TOP 20 As others will re-iterate it’s been a crazy year for good music releases and anyone who tells you otherwise is quite frankly a fool. The biggest problem has been keeping up with it all and… Continue Reading →

Ensiferum – Two Paths (Metal Blade)

It’s often said that Ensiferum need no introduction, and it’s true. If you were having a small soiree or bijou shindig one evening, you’d just know they’d arrived. The long-boat dragged onto the front lawn is an obvious clue, as… Continue Reading →

Wintersun – The Forest Seasons (Nuclear Blast)

Genre defying Metallers Wintersun are not a band to be rushed. With a gap of 8 years between their first and second albums, it’s with a hint of ironic surprise at the veritable speed of this their third album being… Continue Reading →

Wormwood – Ghostlands: Wounds From A Bleeding Earth (Non Serviam)

Revelations gets all apocalyptic with Wormwood in the bible, it’s a catastrophic star heralding plagues. It may also remind you of similar calamitous times spent in the aftermath of absinthe binges and the next morning feeling like you have indeed… Continue Reading →

Civil War – The Last Full Measure (Napalm Records)

It’s the third album from Sabaton refugees Civil War (What? At least I didn’t call them “Sabaton 2.0”, “Sabaton Lite” or “Diet Sabaton” as I’ve seen them referred to by other, harsher reviewers!). So let’s get that out of the… Continue Reading →

Grimner – Frost Mot Eld (Despotz)

We find ourselves basking happily in Viking/Folk Metal territory with Grimner’s third full-length offering “Frost Mot Eld”…and I’m a sucker for a bit of well executed Folk Metal! These mighty Metal marauders mix harsh and clean vocals, over heavy guitars,… Continue Reading →

Ereb Altor – Nattramn (Cyclone Empire)

Time flies when you’re in two successful metal bands, and Mats and Ragnar have released 3 albums in 20 months! One was with their other band Isole, but already we are being offered another Viking Metal outing by Ereb Altor… Continue Reading →

Interview – Ensiferum

Having reviewed their latest album ‘One Man Army,’ I jumped at the chance of shooting some questions toward one of Ensiferum’s band members. Since liking Norther back in the day I thought it was only right to pick vocalist Petri… Continue Reading →

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