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Tag Emperor

Infinity – Non De Hac Terra (New Era)

One look at that cover-art and you know there can only be one person responsible, Necrolord aka Kristian Wahlin. It has that classic cold blue look to it that reminds instantly of Dissection, Bathory, Emperor, Necrophobic and a host of… Continue Reading →

Saille – Ritu (Code666 Records)

Symphonic black metal is not necessarily something that gets me out of bed in the morning or even at any other hour of these godforsaken days. Far far too much dross clogs up the entire sub-genre that really needs a… Continue Reading →

Neokhrome – Perihelion (SR)

Well I guessed that Perihelion had something to do with astronomy and indeed it is the point that a planet or asteroid is nearest to the sun. The cover of the album here kind of gives that one away too…. Continue Reading →

Melencolia Estatica – Hel (Temple Of Tortuous)

Within three minutes of the start of Hel, the third full length release from Italy’s Melencolia Estatica its pretty clear that the multi-instrumentalist behind it, a lady named Climaxia, isn’t going to make things easy on the listener. Obligatory tolling-bell-followed-by-wall-of-riff… Continue Reading →

Anaal Nathrakh – Vanitas (Candlelight)

When ‘The Codex Necro’ dropped in 2001 the raw blistering bludgeoning Anaal Nathrakh served up was by far a more severe punishment than any other band had delivered. The venom and scorn poured from the speakers and a new standard… Continue Reading →

Winterfylleth -Threnody Of Triumph (Candlelight)

Prickly kind of band, Winterfylleth, or so I always think. Or maybe they are just being open and keen to discuss their ideas of culture and heritage as it impacts on their creativity makes me weirdly defensive. There again their… Continue Reading →

Exsequor – For the Fallen (SR)

This one man black metal outfit that is Exsequor is very clear about his music and purpose. He reveals that he is interested in Medieval history and his influences are Bathory, Satyricon, Primordial and Emperor. I actually sensed the strains… Continue Reading →

Khonsu – Anomalia (Season Of Mist)

One look at Khonsu’s Facebook page tells you a lot about what the band is likely to sound like, though nothing prepares you for the immense blockbuster compositions imagined and constructed by S Gronbech whose band this basically is, but… Continue Reading →

Darkthrone – Holy Darkthrone Tribute (Peaceville)

You have to laugh at the liner notes here, which say that with ten years of Darkthrone in the offing the label wanted to release a best of compilation but the band responded saying they would make a back-patch to… Continue Reading →

Ne Obliviscaris – Portal of I (Code666)

Ne Obliviscaris translates to “lest we forget”, which in many ways is apt considering that they largely disappeared off the radar following one well received demo way back in the mists of time that was 2007. Now, after five years… Continue Reading →

Ereb Altor – Gastrike (Napalm Records)

Just when you think you know a band, they go and change their spots. Some call this progress. Still others will no doubt nash their teeth, wail and go into over the top histrionics, bellowing at the skies, raging against… Continue Reading →

Emperor Tribute – In Honour Of Icon E (Metal Swamp)

Although I am of the somewhat contentious opinion that all covers bands should be shot, the odd cover song by an original band can be more than welcome and tribute albums like this can be very good if treated with… Continue Reading →

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