Unlike many of the scribes of Ave Noctum who are black hearted, black souled, black metal warriors, I, the humble author of this piece you are kind enough to be reading, am a bit of an old hippy and Thotch-head,… Continue Reading →
Popular opinion states that “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”; did you know that the full quote from Oscar Wilde is in fact “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness”? Well, for once… Continue Reading →
Renowned for their top drawer Doom roster, UK label Rise Above were also known to throw in the odd curve-ball every now and again just in case anyone thought they could predict them. One of those aforementioned oddities was American… Continue Reading →
There can be little doubt that Swedish doom rockers Salem’s Pot have a sense of humour, and don’t take themselves too seriously. What makes me think that, I hear you ask for the purposes of this review? Well, with a… Continue Reading →
Parisian doom devotees Northwinds proudly present this, their fifth full length studio album, complete with its typically beautiful album cover by Stefano Sugni. To briefly and dismissively label this band simply as `Doom’ however, does them a great injustice in… Continue Reading →
The interesting and talented recent crop of retro-rock/metal bands is a lush one indeed. Though Dutch 3 piece Birth Of Joy are new to me they have been steadily building a healthy following since their inception in 2005. “Prisoner” (album… Continue Reading →
You really cannot fault the band name can you, especially when it comes at a time when everything decent and catchy has been used. Beelzefuzz whose moniker puts a smile on my face every time I hear it have been… Continue Reading →
Everly, Jackson, Gibb, Allman, Gallagher, Cavalera; I could go on but you should have joined the dots by now. Adding to that list of Bros in bands we now have the Von Hertzen’s who we are informed are the ‘wild… Continue Reading →
Barren Earth are both a fairly new but also familiar sounding group whose fronds dig deep into the frozen soil of Finland and comprise members of many well known acts from the land synonymous with atmospheric doom and gloomy… Continue Reading →
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