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Tag Einherjer

Midgardsblot Metal Festival – Borre, Norway 19/8/23 Day 4

Ah, the final day of a festival always brings mixed emotions with another full day to look forward to, but also the crashing down to reality as soon as it is over. However, there were some absolute gems on the… Continue Reading →

Midgardsblot Metal Festival – Borre, Norway 18/8/23 Day 3

I took advantage of the good weather by spending the morning strolling along the Oslofjord and then exploring the museum in the Midgard Viking Centre before heading into the festival site where I caught the Viking battle. Then I tentatively… Continue Reading →

Midgardsblot Festival – Borre, Vestfold, Norway 20/8/22

As I’ve mentioned previously, one of the nice things about this festival is that it is not just about the music, it is so much more. On the final day, I took the opportunity to explore the Midgard Vikingsenter a… Continue Reading →

Inferno Festival – Rockefeller and John Dee, Oslo Norway 15/4/22

After a late breakfast, a stroll around Oslo and a cheeky pint, I headed to the intimate Rock In venue to catch Norwegian black metal outfit Ulvehyrde. They appeared on the small stage stage doused in blue light, wearing robes… Continue Reading →

Vanir – Sagas (Mighty Music)

Obviously, The Danes know a fair bit about Vikings, so it stands to reason that Denmark’s very own Vanir would know their way around a Viking Metal album. And so they should, this is after all their sixth studio album,… Continue Reading →

Thyrfing – Vanagandr (Despotz Records)

Anyone that dismisses Viking metal as risible has obviously never heard Thyrfing. Heavy as granite and as animated as an English monastery the day the dragon ships arrive on the nearby shore, these Swedes combine some very recognisable pagan metal… Continue Reading →

:Nodfyr – Eigenheid (Van Records)

Although Pagan Metal band :Nodfyr: (yes, that’s how they like their name to be written) have been around for a few years, honing and sculpting their already distinctive sound, this is actually their debut full length release. Hailing from Gelderland… Continue Reading →

Midgardsblot Metal Festival – Borre, Vestfold, Norway 17/8/19

Day 3  Saturday I already knew that the weather forecast was going to be dodgy as a storm had passed over the region during the night (I slept through it I might add) and left its raging remnants for me… Continue Reading →

Einherjer – Norrøne Spor (Indie)

Every student of Viking lore and heavy metal (and they are surely one and the same thing) should be by now be aware of the Einherjer – the myth and the band. The name for the legendary fallen warriors chosen… Continue Reading →

King of Asgard – :TAUDR: (Trollmusic)

Mjolby’s (Sweden) very own “King of Asgard” finally return, following their last album, 2014’s “Karg”. I was an admirer of their first couple of albums, but with “Karg”, I found that somehow the music wasn’t “clicking” with me as much… Continue Reading →

Horn – Turm am Hang (Iron Bonehead)

Horn’s back catalogue is now fairly extensive and has repeatedly shown more than a passing interest in keeping out of step with the rest of the folk black metal brigade. This time round he’s shifted yet again. Whereas previous albums… Continue Reading →

Evig Natt – S/T (S/R)

Well it seems like an ‘Eternal Night’ since we last heard from Norwegian band Evig Natt via their second album ‘Darkland’ back in 2010. Now they are back with self-released and self-titled album number three. Despite having a beauty and… Continue Reading →

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