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Tag Drudkh

Drudkh & Winterfylleth – Thousands Of Moons Ago/The Gates + Drudkh Eastern Frontier In Flames (Season Of Mist)

When are two EPs not two EPs? When it’s Ukrainian masters of their own destiny Drudkh, it seems. You see three quarters of the Winterfylleth split also make up three sevenths of the Eastern Frontier In Flames EP, with the… Continue Reading →

Arx Atrata – Oblivion (SR)

I like the band name, it just rolls off the tongue and kind of types from the keyboard in the same fashion. As for further information there is not a fantastic amount more I can tell you as the letter… Continue Reading →

Mortis Mutilati – Nameless Here For Evermore (Naturmacht Productions)

No, nothing to do with that Norwegian chap who had a big pointy nose and ears. This is Mortis Mutilati, a French one-man melodic ‘funeral black metal band’. With a couple of demos, a split, and an exclusive tape-only debut… Continue Reading →

Frozen Ocean / Petrychor – Autumn Bridges (Wolfsgrimm)

I knew it would not be long before my favourite musical chameleon from Russia Vaarwel was going to be back with some new music but this time he has brought another artist along for the ride. If you are confronted… Continue Reading →

Neptrecus – L’Aube De Declin (Ancestrale Production)

As French as the album and song titles suggest, Neptrecus return with their first full-length album after releasing a demo back in early 2012. Some of the tracks here may indeed ring with an air of familiarity if you heard… Continue Reading →

Interview – From The Bogs Of Aughiska

‘ The Roots Of This Earth Within Your Blood,’ the remarkable second album from Irish mist weavers From The Bogs Of Aughiska is a dark, frightening and compelling ambient work and one that had coils within coils. So given the… Continue Reading →

Raventale – Transcendence (BadMoodMan Music)

One of those couple of yearly, very well wrapped packages of discs from Russia courtesy of Solitude Productions turned up and I wondered if it was going to contain anything new from the mighty Raventale, surely it was about time,… Continue Reading →

Rattenfänger – Epistolae Obscurorum Virorum (Dark Essence)

Der Rattenfänger von Hameln, otherwise known as the Pied Piper of Hamelin, was a vengeful dude who used his pipes to lure kids to their doom after stingy parents refused to fork money over for pest removal services.  A truly… Continue Reading →

Khors – Wisdom of Centuries (Candlelight)

It’s been interesting charting the course of the Ukrainian BM sound this past decade or so; the rise and fall of Hate Forest; Drudkh’s journey from raw and obscure beginnings to mainstream popularity on a major label, and the seemingly… Continue Reading →

Fhoi Myore – Fhoi Myore (Ancestrale)

French flair and an edge sharpened on the Eastern plains: Fhoi Myore is a black metal band with a journey to make. It may be a frost bitten, bleak trek across snow capped Nordic mountains and down towards the sprawling… Continue Reading →

Zgard – Reclusion (BadMoodMan Productions)

Can’t argue with a country that produced the likes of Drudkh, Hate Forest and Blood Of Kingu; yup, Zgard is a one man black metal act from the Ukraine, and according to trusty old Metal Archives the second full-length our… Continue Reading →

Hrafnblóð – Heathen Psalms (Wodfreca Records)

I admit to having severe cynicism for one man (or woman) metal projects, as it conjures up images of desperate teenage angst ridden isolationists spreading themselves far too thinly without actually mastering one particular instrument and do it full justice… Continue Reading →

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