Dylan Carlson is to his guitar what Gandalf is to his staff – a fucking wizard. No matter what era of Earth is your favourite – from the early days of gargantuan drones to today’s blues-tinged efforts – Carlson has… Continue Reading →
There is a mad scientist burning away the midnight hours in his laboratory and this could be looked at in two ways. The first is Frozen Ocean’s Vaarwel at work making strange sounds and contorting them. ‘Weighing Form’ is another… Continue Reading →
0 is a compilation of two earlier EPs (2007 ‘s Interlude Premier and 2012 ‘s Interlude Second) from French doom/death/space drone act Monolithe. They add in a couple of short (for them) bonus tracks for the completeists too which is… Continue Reading →
Worshippers of the riffs of Sleep and Om, set down your bongs and take note; Canadian duo Zaum are about to become your new favourite band. The Middle Eastern sounding twang of the sitar that is the driving force behind… Continue Reading →
So ‘Outsider Music’ then! Muttering pretentiousness under breath, I look the phrase up and see that it is music outside the commercial reach of the industry. Well in that case it’s pretty much what most of us have been listening… Continue Reading →
When a band called Bong names their latest album ‘Stoner Rock’, I kind of know what to expect; a THC drenched guitar howl fest? Not a problem. Me, I’m 44, had hair I could sit on long before the internet… Continue Reading →
This is a partnership that works better on paper than it does in practice – given the fruitful marriage of Sunn O)))’s collaboration with Boris, the idea of them working alongside Ulver, a band that matches Sunn O))) in innovation… Continue Reading →
Nope don’t get all excited those of you who like pantomime metal and bangs and explosions on stage, this is not the British NWOBHM Hell. It is a band like Amarok who they share this 2 track split album with… Continue Reading →
Third release from German four-piece Obelyskkh sees a refinement in their usually self-indulgent droning to something much sharper and, while still heavily infused with psychedelia, there are some suffocatingly crushing riffs at work, lifting the record out of the murky depths of… Continue Reading →
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