Back in early 2016 I covered The Wolvennest Sessions via a collaboration between the Belgian musical chemists and Der Blutharsch And The Infinite Church Of The Leading Hand. It was an intriguing and depressive descent that took in doom, drone,… Continue Reading →
With a production value as rough as a hangover, Queen Elephantine cast a little one-take stardust over their music. It’s lo-fi and dissolute. Hearing them recorded can’t be far away from the aural experience of seeing them live. Feedback and… Continue Reading →
Coming just 5 months after their last album release, Sv, one does wonder quite how Nadja achieve such a level of productivity. I mean, what the hell? Do they live in a recording studio? Do they just live jam this stuff? Yes, it’s basically a 3-track drone-cum-noise… Continue Reading →
I have two confessions to make before I outline my thoughts on this latest work of avant-garde dark ambient soundscapes from ówt krì. The first is that I know its creator Kenneth, who as well as being a seriously imaginative,… Continue Reading →
Ambient doom brings with it a fuzzy feeling, occasioned by the misty atmosphere which in the old days would have meant interference on your television or transistor radio. Ggu:ll from Tilburg in the Netherlands join the less than happy campers… Continue Reading →
Drone, at its most monotone, can drive some wild. It is a beast that dwells beyond the reach of most, existing in a parallel universe to the dark fury of the majority of heavy metal acts; light years from the… Continue Reading →
Who would not want “dark ambient drones with vintage heavy occult doom and mesmerizing female vocals that will drive you through a scarlet velvet trip”? That’s what’s offer from this Italian band whose influences range from Pentagram to Bathory. Messa… Continue Reading →
Do not adjust your set. This is Noise tuning straight into your slaughterhouse with some darkly gothic drone that sounds like a depressed Danzig in one of his bleakest Samhain moments. Ritualistic (as the title might suggest), sparsely populated and with… Continue Reading →
Cast your mind back to 1999, Sun O))) were just starting out and providing titanic sonic vibrations that represented the framework of what makes a brilliant doom song – think along the lines of OM and Earth, with the riffs… Continue Reading →
If you can imagine a Minotaur crawling through a swamp during a tempestuous storm in 1256 then you can pretty much envisage just how dark, heavy and medieval Gateway’s self-titled debut release is. Packed chock full of crushing riffs and… Continue Reading →
Dark Buddha Rising brew up a heady mix of influences that can’t fail to hook in a certain section of the metal community – as well as all those who regard the discovery of Nirvana’s darker side and smoking weed… Continue Reading →
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