Whether it’s me or the music, or a combination of both, I can’t really say, but Insect Ark’s compositions always remind me of certain literature. With Marrow Hymns (2018) I had to think of the writing of the Bronte Sisters… Continue Reading →
Jay Gambit’s exploration of noise as a genre has steered Crowhurst down a path that has led to just about every nuance of musical possibility being intertwined into his output at some point, resulting in a discography that’s eye watering… Continue Reading →
These Belgian noiseniks are back with their first long player since 2016’s “I Ate Myself To Grow Twice As Big”. 30,000 Monkeys still seem very intent on crushing skulls and making ears bleed with their own very peculiar brand of… Continue Reading →
This is the sort of thing that excites me. Yes, I probably should be admitted to a lunatic asylum but my excitement in this case does not come from the number of consecutive consonants in the band and album name,… Continue Reading →
MMMΔ, aka MMMD aka Mohammad, now we have that out the way we can begin. Are you sitting comfortably? Well you won’t be for long and going to the toilet and ridding thyself of any excess waste is advisable before… Continue Reading →
I was forewarned to expect an “earthly and ritual feel” from this latest work of dark ambience from [ówt krì]. From the outset we are swept away into an echo chamber, intensified by a constant solemn drone and a distant… Continue Reading →
With a career that spans almost thirty years, nine full length albums under their belt and a claim to have been the main creative influence behind Sunn O))), Earth are pretty much a household name for those with even the… Continue Reading →
This is a less of a music album, rather a magick ritual in seven parts. Nibiru are three mystical artists from Turin who perform “Ritual Psychedelic Sludge”. Their muse is Enochian a language recorded by 16th Century English occultist John Dee… Continue Reading →
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