These days I’m not surprised when another funeral doom band I don’t know crosses my path. They secrete themselves in quiet corners and like ghosts they vanish when you search for them. Publicity shy often, deeply personal invariably, they can… Continue Reading →
Having not heard any of the three previously self-released albums by Australian act The Nihilistic Front I was luckily provided a crash course of some of their older material thanks to a compilation put together by Stu of their new… Continue Reading →
The doom/death hybrid seems to be very much ‘in’ at the moment and with most bands opting for the yawn inducing formula of death metal growls over the top of slow, clinical, over produced sounding instrumentals, Skeletal Spectre are the… Continue Reading →
I guess with the band being named after a Kafka story and an album title like that, it was a fair signpost that there would be introspection and an urge to go the progressive route by these Ukrainian musicians. Would… Continue Reading →
As a quick glance at the band name and record label should tell you, this is gloomy doom-death from Eastern Europe, in this case the Czech Republic. ‘On the Shores of Oblivion’ is the band’s first full length, and it… Continue Reading →
The Fall Of Every Season comprises of a single person, Marius Strand who takes care of vocals, instruments and programming. ‘Amends’ is his second album and like with many one man bands there’s the possibility that this is either hit… Continue Reading →
You’ve got to hand it to Solitude Productions. They’ve got a complete focus on all things doomy, and although their catalogue tends to be based around Eastern Europe, they do cast their net on a global scale. They’ve also got… Continue Reading →
Welcome to The Nihilistic Front of Australia! Nope it is not some ominous end of the world cult but a misanthropic doom death band from the land of Disembowelment. This band from Melbourne consist of a duo who have served… Continue Reading →
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