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Crimson Throne – Of Void And Solitude (Apocalyptic Witchcraft)

Crimson Throne are a pretty new English black metal band and signing to the interesting little label Apocalyptic Witchcraft, and have toured a fair bit recently with bands such as label mates From The Bogs Of Aughiska and Coltsblood. Enough… Continue Reading →

Thron – Abysmal (Listenable Records)

Ah, the mid-to-late nineties. When Dissection were the daddies of melodic black metal, Cradle Of Filth hadn’t yet gone through that short but awkward novelty phase, Emperor were recording classic albums instead of cashing in on them with phoned-in reunions,… Continue Reading →

Void – Jettatura (Ladlo Productions)

If you are gonna thrash do it blackly said someone very sensibly once, or perhaps it was just me. That’s the way I like it though baby and a good dose of black n’ roll always hits the mark and… Continue Reading →

Cast The Stone – Empyrean Atrophy (Agonia Records)

I wasn’t familiar with Cast The Stone, prior to this EP flying into my slot. ”Crap name” I thought but a bit of research and a read of the promo blurb clobbered me with the knowledge that the band is… Continue Reading →

The Spirit – Sounds From The Vortex (Nuclear Blast)

Melodic black metal may be an oxymoron to some, but over the years the evolution of black metal has produced some stunning releases that remain on my play list to this day. However, for every outstanding release, there are endless… Continue Reading →

NortherN – Desolate Ways to Ultima Thule (Moribund Records)

In previous times, Northern went by the name ‘Cold Northern Vengeance’ and although I have a couple of their albums, they didn’t really hit my radar. However, I was interested to hear this new incarnation, especially with the press release… Continue Reading →

Infernal Legion – Under The Cloven Hoof (Moribund)

Satanism and Death Metal have always gone hand in hand. Perhaps it’s the symbolism of the repugnant bowels of the underworld, or maybe it’s the imagery of eternal suffering and torture, either way the symbolic notion of damnation has always… Continue Reading →

Spite – Antimoshiach (Invictus)

No mosh, no core, no trends but fun, yes there is a fair bit of fun here, whether intentional or not. Spite continues a run I have been having of late with one man acts and this one hails from… Continue Reading →

Watain – Trident Wolf Eclipse (Century Media)

Black metal maniacs Watain should need no introduction having been at the forefront of the extreme music underground for several years, gaining notoriety for their abrasive live shows as well as their vitriolic studio outpourings. It is hard to believe… Continue Reading →

The Spirit – Sounds From The Vortex (Eternal Echoes)

If you’re used to judging a band by its name and album cover then you may already have decided to skip past The Spirit – but that, my friend, would have been a mistake. Because Sounds From the Vortex is… Continue Reading →

Arckanum – Den förstfödde (Folter Records)

Normally an Arckanum release would be met with a bit of a fanfare but this, his 9th studio album seems to have slipped in with a somewhat muted fashion. Not only that but the press release here states that “the… Continue Reading →

Sheidim – Infamata (I, Voidhanger)

Discordant sombreness fills the air. So starts this EP from Spanish black metal band Sheidim. From this comes the ferocious fire of “A Dying Sun”, with a distinct thrash element fuelling the flames. An old school guitar line, more sinister… Continue Reading →

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