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Sur Austru – Datura Străhiarelor (Avantgarde)

The background story here is practically one of legend itself. Humble beginnings saw Wiccan Rede develop into Negura Bunget. Their music introduced many to the realms of traditionalism and folkloric music from Romania where it was married to blackened extremity… Continue Reading →

Sur Austru – Obârşie (Avantgarde Music)

One of the attractions of listening to extreme music is that it is constantly evolving, pushing boundaries, incorporating new styles, and in contrast to some other musical genres, bands are generally not content to sit back on their laurels releasing… Continue Reading →

Negura Bunget – Zi (Prophecy)

Since they started in 1995 Romanian act Negura Bunget have trodden one hell of a rocky road shedding around 25 members in the process. It’s enough to finish off many an act but sole surviving member Negru isn’t having any… Continue Reading →

Negura Bunget – Tău (Prophecy)

Tău is the first part of a planned trilogy with subsequent releases predicted for 2016 and 2108. Romanian band Negura Bunget simply do not do things by half, they never have and never will. With this you get so much… Continue Reading →

Interview – Negura Bunget

Originally done as a news piece for Iron Fist Magazine founding member of Negura Bunget Negru had plenty to say in regards to new album Tău, the first part of a planned trilogy. One of his answers alone would have… Continue Reading →

Dordeduh – Dar De Duh (Prophecy)

Yes the band name and album title may sound like a tots first attempt at speech but it is a name that if you are seriously into atmospheric blackened metal should certainly be on the tip of your tongue. We… Continue Reading →

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