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Tag Devin Townsend

Albatross – Fear from the Skies (Transcending Obscurity)

I enjoyed this Indian heavy metal bands outing on the split with Vestal Claret (‘The Kissing Flies’) back in 2012, and I did hear some sound samples prior to receiving this album, but I wasn’t totally convinced if I am… Continue Reading →

Native Construct – Quiet World (Metal Blade)

Berklee College of Music in Boston.  The largest college of contemporary music in the world. A seat of learning that spat forth Quincy Jones, Bruce Hornsby, John Petrucci, Mike Portnoy and Steve Vai. It is also the institution that created… Continue Reading →

Embryo – S/T (Logic(il)logic Records)

This is the third album from this Italian death metal outfit which has had Francesco Paoli from Fleshgod Apocalypse playing drums. Said Italian band is a good reference point for this one as they bombard the listener with a wholesome… Continue Reading →

Enslaved – In Times (Nuclear Blast)

When it comes to product, the genre-hopping beast that is Enslaved rarely fail to deliver on quality. Over the years, in spite of their evolution from Norwegian extreme metal to blackened progressive rock, they have produced album after album rammed… Continue Reading →

Keep Of Kalessin – Epistemology (Indie)

Following a bands career is often quite tumultuous as you experience each release with bated anticipation; excitement, fear and wonder all partake in this venture and Keep Of Kalessin has been one of those bands for me. The band is… Continue Reading →

Squidhead – Prohibition (S/R)

“Squidheads, squidheads roly-poly squidheads. Sqidheads, squidheads, eat em up yum!” Well not quite as far as this calamari enthused one man project from Belgium is concerned as it is purely instrumental but if you made up your own words and sang… Continue Reading →

6:33 – Deadly Scenes (Kaotoxin Records)

To follow their previous album and collaboration with Carnival in Coal “The Stench from the Swelling (A True Story)” (2013), this Parisian band’s latest work also falls further into the twisted avant-garde sphere with recognisable rock metal melodies. As someone… Continue Reading →

Stam1na – SLK (Sakara Records)

Sometimes when people talk to you there’s loads of words coming out but none of them say anything. That was kind of like the press blurb for this band. It says lots about how big they are in their home… Continue Reading →

Methedras – System Subversion (Pavement Records)

Writing for Ave Noctum is never a chore. Sure on the odd occasion I get sent stuff that I would normally swerve like Neo in The Matrix dodges bullets but over the last few months it’s opened my ears to… Continue Reading →

Xerath – III (Candlelight)

  Thanks to UK Metallers Xerath’s consistent live work it appears that I am one of the few Ave Noctum scribes to be unfamiliar with the band. So why, therefore does it fall upon me to review their imaginatively titled… Continue Reading →

Nucleus Torn – Street Lights Fail (Prophecy)

So, have you ever thought to yourself “I really wish that Tori Amos would just Metal things up a bit, y’know? Keep all that sombre melancholy but up the Prog Metal factor?” Nope, me neither, but in the hope that… Continue Reading →

Monsterworks – Universe (Eat Lead And Die Music)

With bands pilfering from every metal genre through the ages these days, it’s becoming harder to confidently pigeon-hole them but, what the hell, I’m going for it anyway. Cosmic progressive thrash. There, I’ve done it. I’ve slotted Monsterworks into their… Continue Reading →

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