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Tag Denmark

Pyramaze – Contingent (Inner Wound)

I’ve followed Pyramaze since their debut album back in 2004 and I must admit I feared the worst a few years back, but with this album (their second in three years) it looks like they are back to top form… Continue Reading →

Metallica – Royal Arena, Copenhagen – 3/2/17

The opening night of any new arena is bound to be a special occasion and the inaugural show will always go down in history. Copenhagen’s Royal Arena marked their arrival on the world stage with a huge statement of intent… Continue Reading →

Iron Fire – Among The Dead (Crime Records)

Still keeping alive the fine tradition of German Power/Heavy Metal are Iron Fire…from Denmark. Well, it’s near enough, and they are no strangers to the scene either, this being their eighth full-length studio album and first for Crime Records. The… Continue Reading →

Serpents Lair – Circvmambulating The Stillborn (Hellthrasher)

A certain shroud of mystery cloaks this lot. Apparently the band are from Sjælland Denmark but there’s no clue as to who the players are, not even the normal black metal initials for their names. One thing that is crystal… Continue Reading →

Broken Hand Charity – Gotterdammerung (S/R)

Danish outfit, Broken Hand Charity have been kicking about since 2008 and have always done their own thing their own way. Currently in the middle of recruiting for a drummer and a bassist, the Danish alternative rock outfit have a… Continue Reading →

Piss Vortex – Future Cancer (Indisciplinarian)

After reviewing the last offering from Danish grinders Piss Vortex I said I wouldn’t be playing it again in a hurry as it fair did my head in. With a new EP landing in my inbox I did go back… Continue Reading →

Redwolves – Walking Roads (S/R)

Redwolves hail from Copenhagen, Denmark. Despite some early career line-up changes and a name change from Awesome Mr Powerwolf, they are now getting ready for the release of a new EP, “Walking Roads”.  This has the feel of a band… Continue Reading →

The Hyle – S/T (Dawnbreed Records)

Hailing from Denmark, I did assume The Hyle would be named after some legendary beast of Nordic lore; some dark demon that fought the hordes of Asgard. A few online checks and bemused expressions by me later, and I learned… Continue Reading →

Recitation – Carrion (Indisciplinarian)

This latest release from Danish doom-dealers Recitation claims to be a debut album, the fact that these guys released a self-titled E.P. on cassette last year, can it be classed as a debut? Furthermore, ‘Carrion’ consists of just one track…. Continue Reading →

Alucarda – Raw Howls (The Church Within)

I had just finished reading the excellent recent re-issue of Kim Newman’s ‘Johnny Alucard’ when I received ‘Raw Howls’ by Alucarda; coincidence? Well, yes as it goes. However, without giving away too many plot points to those who may want… Continue Reading →

King Mammoth – Mammoth Mountain (Intoxicated Recordings)

When receiving music to review, such is the modern idiom that physical material is rarer and rarer, high quality downloads being the norm, with the ability to reach reviewers the world over without the fear of loss or damage by… Continue Reading →

Denner / Shermann – Satan’s Tomb (Metal Blade)

Pedigree! How often do you read a review or the promo blurb for a new record and the writer casually chucks in a mention of band members previous outfits?  You’re supposed to think ‘wow this must be good then’. You… Continue Reading →

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