Ah, lovely. As refreshing as a good kick to the shins from somewhere round Copenhagen way come’s the four guys that make up Anti Ritual. Blessed with the kind of chops that you suspect only come from being around a… Continue Reading →
Not the first country that springs to mind when you think of thrash metal is it? I mean yeah King Diamond is a legend and Artillery are a fine band ……. and some Napster suing dwarf drummer from Denmark did… Continue Reading →
With cover art featuring a joyously glowing daisy, you’d be forgiven for thinking this album was some kind of hippie chillout extravaganza had it not been for the fact you are currently perusing Ave Noctum. Of course, reality is far… Continue Reading →
First album from this Danish band and odd things are afoot. Upfront I need to say that Phantom are seriously, highly promising (which only makes sense as I, Voidhanger know their stuff): They are brimming over with more ideas than… Continue Reading →
Ah, another album where I can drag out the hoary old cliche “I’m old enough to remember when their debut came out… “. True, I do remember the Danes’ ‘Fear Of Tomorrow ‘ but frankly as I’ve heard nothing since,… Continue Reading →
When Denmark’s Helhorse dropped Oh Death on us it was a mighty impressive and mature piece of hardcore driven rock n metal and catchy as Hel(l) to boot. So given the chance to fire a few questions their way, Ave… Continue Reading →
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