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Tag Defeated Sanity

Dischordia – Triptych (Transcending Obscurity)

With a couple of albums and a few EPs already out this third album by US band Dischordia is likely to divide the technical death metal world, purely because the album is so off the wall that describing it with… Continue Reading →

Colossus – Degenesis (Comatose)

There’s a part of me that gets very excited when I see new releases from Comatose. I’ve been a huge fan of the label for years and years and now that I get to review their stuff, that’s pretty exciting…. Continue Reading →

Posthuman Abomination – Transcending Embodiment (Comatose Music)

Flooding both musically and environmentally is generally a disaster it causes damage and in a musical sense causes reviewers and fans to trawl through endless hours of audio in search of a diamond in the rough. Sometimes I do honestly… Continue Reading →

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