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Tag Deathspell Omega

Blaze of Perdition – Conscious Darkness (Agonia)

Blaze of Perdition really had a point to make with their last album, 2015’s ‘Near Death Revelations’. Coming off of the back of a terrible road accident in which one member was killed and two others injured, it was doubtless… Continue Reading →

Blut Aus Nord – Deus Salutis Maea (Debemur Morti Productions)

In my (perhaps not-so-humble) opinion, Blut Aus Nord mastermind Vindsval is one of the most under-heralded geniuses within the black metal scene. For over two decades, he has quietly gone about his business under the BaN moniker to craft some… Continue Reading →

Ars Magna Umbrae – Through Lunar Gateways (Hellthrasher)

Ready for a “manifestation of the Chthonic forces of Death and a sonic portal to the Nightside?” Well just as well as that is exactly what we have here courtesy of Ars Magna Umbrae from Poland, the work of D.A… Continue Reading →

Dodecahedron – Kwintessens (Season Of Mist)

Dodecahedron is almost a by-word for complexity for its own sake – a three dimensional 12-sided die that, I read someone point out, is only used by nerdy role playing gamers (yep, me too back in those more carefree days)… Continue Reading →

Fides Inversa – Rite of Inverse Incarnation (World Terror Committee)

Fides Inversa threw a few people with the change of pace between their first and second albums even though both were finely distilled black metal class. The debut was an unhinged white knuckle ride that felt like an unholy marriage… Continue Reading →

Death Fetishist – Clandestine Sacrament (Debemur Morti)

Darkness has become very dark indeed these days. Rarely is that more so than in the work of Ævangelist mastermind Matron Thorn whose black metal has been providing a cutting edge for the scene for some time now – with… Continue Reading →

Mithridatic – Miserable Miracle (Kaotoxin)

I think the word that I may resort to here is ‘chaotic’. Yeah. The debut by French band Mithridatic definitely comes under that. Not that it’s a bad thing, not at all, but it sure makes the reviewers’ lives a… Continue Reading →

Summit – Winds That Forestall Thy Return (I, Voidhanger)

Fans of last year’s impressive and angst-ridden Clearing Path album Watershed Between Earth And Firmament, will be no doubt looking forward to this one. Watershed… was a barrage of black metal-fed emotion and well worth checking out. However, Summit takes… Continue Reading →

Abisso – WRNSS (Third I Rex)

Bold claims and bold associations on behalf of this Sardinian duo courtesy of their label – happily namechecking such luminaries as Deathspell Omega and Lurker of Chalice immediately places expectations on overdrive for an assault of dissonant, atmospheric black metal… Continue Reading →

Blut Aus Nord / Ævangelist – Codex Obscura Nomina (Debemur Morti)

Evanescent Hallucinations, apart from being a great title for a black metal track, also happens to be, in part at least, a pretty good descriptor of Blut Aus Nord’s contribution to this mouth watering split EP. In some ways this… Continue Reading →

Throane – Derrière-Nous, La Lumière (Debemur Morti)

Anyone who picked up Ovtrenoir’s debut EP earlier this year may already have encountered the depths of intensity plumbed by DehnSora. His latest project to emerge, Throane, is even more crushing in many respects and much, much darker. A sonic… Continue Reading →

Mortichnia – Heir To Scoria And Ash (Apocalyptic Witchcraft)

Mortichnia, or ‘death march’ is the chilling term given to the last steps of a creature before it meets its maker (unless, and let’s be honest about this, unless its maker is merely a random and unlikely series of chemical… Continue Reading →

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