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Tag Death

Raised By Owls – Dreadful (S/R)

Much like the title of this album, things recently (outside of the world of music) have been pretty dreadful. Politicians playing hot potato with the country’s economic and geopolitical standings and future, abnormal weather patterns a plenty with no consistency… Continue Reading →

Undead Prophecies – Sempiternal Void (Listenable Records)

Death metal, eh? I mean, one minute there you are in a thrash metal t-shirt and drinking cider down the park listening to “Scream Bloody Gore”, you blink, and then the next moment you’re rapidly approaching your mid 40s, and… Continue Reading →

Sol De Sangre / Panico Al Miedo – La Senda de la Muerte (War Anthem Records)

Here’s a little gem. This is a split EP featuring two tracks by  both Colombian Death Metallers Sol De Sangre and Spanish Death-Thrashers Panico Al Miedo with both bands picking a couple of their favourite choice cuts from death metal… Continue Reading →

Horrisonous – A Culinary Cacophony (Memento Mori)

Comprising stalwarts of the Australian underground scene, Horrisonous formed in 2015 and unleashed their first EP of sludgy death metal upon an unsuspecting world a year later. This debut album is awash with the kind of tongue-in-cheek song titles that… Continue Reading →

Deceased – Ghostly White (Hells Headbangers)

Deceased have been plying their morbid trade on official releases since way back in 1991. It’s been a long, long time since their last full length album, the excellent “Surreal Overdose” back in 2011, but I suspect not even death… Continue Reading →

Druj – Chants To Irkalla (Godz Ov War)

Irkalla is the ancient Mesopotamian underworld and when they are not at home in Anchorage Alaska it is where Druj dwell. I’m not sure if there is a huge difference between the locations having the idea form in my head… Continue Reading →

C-4 – Next Issue Of The Rotten World (S/R)

Considering the band name it would be a total cliché to say this one goes off like a bomb but with 6 tracks in less than 13 minutes it is definitely more C-4 semtex than Sinclair C-5 in the speed… Continue Reading →

Terrible Claw – Sickening Annihilation (S/R)

Sometimes, all you need is straight forward Death Metal. Sure, melodic, brutal and technical variants do the job with their take on one of the most diverse genres in music but stripping all that variety away and going back to… Continue Reading →

Born To Murder The World – The Infinite Mirror Of Millennial Narcissism ( Extrinsic Recordings)

When you put three men who have been instrumental in helping shape the landscape of extreme metal in both the U.K. and worldwide, you know the resulting record is not going to pull any punches. Shane Embury, Mick Kenny and… Continue Reading →

Ultra-Violence – Operation Misdirection (Candlelight Records)

While the Italians have labelled themselves as a thrash band, the first thought that came to my mind upon seeing the Ed Repka cover was Death, and by the time Loris Castiglia was halfway through singing “Cadaver Decomposition Island”, I… Continue Reading →

Lurk – Fringe (Transcending Obscurity)

To be considered genre-defying is probably the greatest accolade for any artist, I have talked about uniqueness in my reviews before and how although it may seem obvious to say it’s always the solitary bands that stick with us. In… Continue Reading →

Nocturnal Breed – The Whiskey Tapes Germany (Folter Records)

This here is one of those releases that the band describe as ‘for the fans’, the die hard fans describe as ‘rare and unreleased’ and the rest of us describe as an ‘odds n sods’ collection. As such it’s pretty… Continue Reading →

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