Mention the word Akercocke to most fans of extreme metal, and you’ll see them gaze longingly into the distance, in remembrance of one of the most dynamic death metal bands of recent years. A band that offered brutality, and a… Continue Reading →
Oof you’re kind of asking for ‘harsh criticism’ calling your album Opprobrium but luckily we all like a bit of cranium wrecking barbarism from labels like Hell’s Headbangers especially when it’s shat out by an underground war machine like Australian… Continue Reading →
If one thing has given me a Trill in recent months it has been discovering King Parrot. A mate of mine was squawking about how entertaining their videos were and how blisteringly chaotic the accompanying music was. It knocked me… Continue Reading →
Chaos Echoes are an intriguing prospect; experimental, esoteric doom/death with members from brutallists Bloody Sign. It’s probably not a coincidence that the band’s name is the same as the very last Bloody Sign release… This band is, however, a completely… Continue Reading →
‘Blind…But Alive’ is the third full length album by this French quintet based in Paris and I must admit that this is the first time I’ve ever seen this many guest artists featured on an album I’ve reviewed. Namely Cyd… Continue Reading →
In their 13 years of existence, Swiss four-piece Zatokrev have formulated their own unique hybrid of gargantuan death-sludge. Fourth album ‘Silk Spiders Underwater…’ is the first instalment of a two-part concept series and is eight tracks of crushing guitar distortion,… Continue Reading →
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