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Tag Death Metal

Altars Ablaze – Life Desecration (Lavadome Productions)

There seems to be a huge amount of new blood within the extreme metal scene and here are yet another bunch of upstarts plying a debut album after forming very recently. Perhaps it’s a pandemic thing. As far as Altars… Continue Reading →

Phobophilic – Envelop Absurdity (Prosthetic Records)

I’m not sure how absurdist and existential philosophy, which themselves sit at opposite ends of the spectrum, lend them particularly to death metal but I guess we’re going to find out. Phobophilic from Fargo, North Dakota draw from the thinking… Continue Reading →

Heads for the Dead – The Great Conjuration (Transcending Obscurity)

This international group hit the horror market hard with their rampant third release of gnarly death metal. The band consist of members of Revel In Flesh, Wombbath, Massacre and Sentient Horror to name but a few, so by the bands… Continue Reading →

Valborg – Der Alte (Lupus Lounge)

This German trio have quite the work ethic, releasing their eighth album here since the first ‘Glorification Of Pain’ back in 2009. Although I only discovered them relatively recently, tackling just three of their releases, it’s obvious that they are… Continue Reading →

Slugcrust – Ecocide (Prosthetic Records)

What a name for a band. Slugs and snails and puppy dog’s tails. Well if the gender biased nursery rhyme is to be believed I should dig this or have it imprinted on my DNA at least. Well god and also damn I’m a real boy coz I gig this like a shovel through, well, Slugcrust…. Continue Reading →

Fallujah – Empyrean (Nuclear Blast)

A friend told me they thought that Fallujah had gone off the boil after “Dreamless” (2016). Well, I obviously didn’t think myself that after describing “Undying Light” (2019) as a “breathtaking experience of progressive heaviness”. What I hoped for here… Continue Reading →

Awaken The Misogynist – Descended from vast dimensions (Comatose)

International coslamboration ATM consists of members based across three continents and with a huge host of musical experience between them, the majority being in the slam/death/grind scene. Representing the UK, USA, Switzerland and Hong Kong, this 5 piece have certainly… Continue Reading →

Consumption – Necrotic Lust (Hammerheart)

Let me paint a picture for you. You, your hombres, friends – or to use the parlance of our times – “crew” are reposing at a festival, gig or public gathering of your choice. The conversation starts to drift to… Continue Reading →

Ensanguinate – Eldritch Anatomy (Emanzipation Productions)

From the Laibachan capital of Slovenia which is Ljubljana we have a hungry and relatively new death metal horde here. ‘Eldritch Anatomy’ is the debut album from this quartet who formed in 2020 and have just a demo and couple… Continue Reading →

Doldrey – Celestial Deconstruction (Pulverised Records)

So, a few things made me want to review this album. The first was that the band were described as “proto-death metal”. Now me, I’m a sucker for primitive aggression, so that was enticing. The second thing was that Doldrey… Continue Reading →

Osserp – Els Nous Cants De La Sibil-La (Blood Fire Death)

The third studio album after five years gap for this Catalan troupe, but not a band I’ve locked horns with previously I’m afraid. Still, I’ve been in a noisy mood recently it seems so another bit of deathgrind it is… Continue Reading →

Weregoat / Eggs Of Gomorrh – Orgiastic Rape Of Resurrected Remains (Iron Bonehead)

There are times in life when you question your choices and I have to say that sitting here and thinking “I am reviewing a band called Eggs Of Gomorrh…” was one of those. But it was a positive choice as… Continue Reading →

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