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Tag Darkthrone

Monstraat – Death Upon His Bell (Fallen Temple)

I remember this Swedish duo’s debut self-titled album of 2013 which followed on from a slew of demos released from the very start of the Millennium. Now another decade later, which in the meantime saw them apparently release a second… Continue Reading →

Sarke – Endo Feight (Soulseller)

It’s been 3 years since Allsighr was released. I loved it at the time, praising its mix of 80’s metal with Sabbath and Purple grooves and scoring it 9 out of 10. I gotta admit though, I have not revisited… Continue Reading →

Bat – Under The Crooked Claw (Nuclear Blast)

I was meant to see Bat back in 2020. They were on a bill in London with Napalm Death, Rotten Sound and EyHateGod.  I decided not to go in the end. I was due to see all the bands later… Continue Reading →

Darkthrone – It Beckons Us All……. (Peaceville)

If you don’t know Darkthrone then I suggest before reading this review you go and do some research because trying to plot their history here would probably be a boring exercise for you to read. The basics are that they… Continue Reading →

Utgardar –Fire Smoked Upon the Wolf’s Back (ATMF)

If you are reading this, then you will have your own story surrounding a gateway or “Eureka” moment.  The time that something hit your ears and a switch in your brain was tripped like a the infected in 28 Days… Continue Reading →

Solbrud – IIII (Vendetta Records)

Danish quartet Solbrud are not the Four Horses of the Apocalypse. However, IIII certainly sounds like it was composed as a soundtrack to it. A conspicuous number for the band, four is omnipresent in this release: four members, four vinyl… Continue Reading →

Damnation’s Hammer – Into The Silent Nebula (Massacre)

No denying I jumped on this when it came in. Been six years since the last Damnation’s Hammer album ‘Unseen Planets, Deadly Spheres’ and also that long since I last caught them live. So hopefully this album will help them… Continue Reading →

Sznur – Ludzina (Godz ov War)

This is the fourth full length for Sznur (meaning “Rope” in Polish). I have followed this black metal war machine from the start, and this album sets another standard for the misanthropic horde. There is a much more refined production,… Continue Reading →

Plague God – New Veins for Old Blood (Fallen Temple)

Let’s not beat about the bush here. When your album title sounds this much it should already be a Darkthrone album, it’s safe to say you’re wearing your influences on your suitably grim sleeve. To delve further into the known… Continue Reading →

Sacrenoir – Comme les Revenants Parmi les Ruines (Sepulchral Productions)

Two stalwarts of the French-Canadian black metal scene comprise Sacrenoir. Amongst many other bands, one plays with Forteresse while the other has appeared for them. “Les revenants” means “people who return” and these people returning among the ruins is, I’m… Continue Reading →

Tsjuder – Helvegr (Season Of Mist)

A lot of the bands I listen to (and thus review) revel in making music that is best described using formulae such as “Band A + Band B x Genre X = ???” because, well, I like my crossover shit…. Continue Reading →

Altari – Kröflueldar (Svart Records)

It’s not every day you come across a black metal band quite like Altari – or even just a band for that matter. Presented as a straight black metal outfit, there’s a lot more to this album, not least a… Continue Reading →

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