Majalis is a project of both Tobias Netzell and Björn Pettersson of Swedish melodic/prog death metal band In Mourning. Apparently it was shelved for several years due to excessive commitments in their main day job, but I’m glad they’ve finally… Continue Reading →
What is in a label? A genre label I mean, not a record label. I’ve heard so many arguments recently about the need to put a band’s music in a very clearly defined pigeon hole so that everyone can feel… Continue Reading →
Tomas Liljedahl may or may not be familiar to some of you here but if not he was the former vocalist for legendary post hardcore act Breach but has been away from the live scene dealing with some demons, something… Continue Reading →
There is a tendency for us Europeans and shall we also say Stateside extreme metal aficionados to think that music arriving from South America, Oceania and Asia to view it as merely copying said established Euro and US counterparts which… Continue Reading →
“We want the music to make you feel like you can move mountains with it”. So says one of the members of The Moth Gatherer. Patient build-ups, crashing worlds and five long tracks to explore these works put them in… Continue Reading →
KEN mode isn’t the name of some dodgy East End jewellery trader, but is the name of a well-established post hardcore / noise rock band from Canada. I understand that KEN stands for “Kill Everyone Now”. “Entrench” may be their… Continue Reading →
For this album, the third from Finland’s Hanging Garden, we are invited to imagine a mix of Cult of Luna, Sisters of Mercy, Daylight Dies, Ghost Brigade and The Cure. With all these possibilities, it follows that this album is… Continue Reading →
Adrift seems to be a common band name. This is the one from Spain. For me this was a case of a blank canvas as I’d not heard of them. The plus of that of course is that there are… Continue Reading →
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