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Tag Cult Of Luna

Hypothermia – Svartkonst (Agonia)

Comprising members of Lifelover and Kall Sweden’s Hypothermia has an extensive discography since their inception in 2001, which has seen the band always record everything they do live. Initially the band was more of a purist black metal style but… Continue Reading →

Ø L T E N – Mode (Hummus)

“Olten is a little town in Switzerland. And we put the “/” because we are Vikings”, said the Swiss trio when asked for meaning of their name by Metal Glory back in October 2013. Ø L T E N released… Continue Reading →

Caldera – Centralia (Ancient Battle)

Remember the two instrumental prelude tracks on Cult of Luna’s ‘Eternal Kingdom’ – ‘Österbotten’ and ‘Ugín’? Remember the deep seated sense of anxiety they induced, by bolstering already dark and sinister sounding music with choking, dread filled atmosphere? Imagine if… Continue Reading →

Izah – Sistere (Nordvis)

This Dutch sextet’s promo blurb describes their debut as a “72-minute long musical narration through darkness and light, hope and despair”. Within they pummel the listener with a combination of sludge-packed crush, barren post-hardcore and black metal affectations before soothing… Continue Reading →

Krakow – amaran (Dark Essence)

Thinking back to 2009, when Krakow first emerged from Bergen, Norway (despite being named after a Polish city), their debut ‘Monolith’ didn’t really tread any new ground, but was a promising slab of weighty stoner/doom metal that spoke of huge… Continue Reading →

Corbeaux – Hit The Head (S/R)

Interestingly this debut release from Swiss instrumental post metallers Corbeaux has been mastered by Magnus Lindberg (Cult Of Luna) and that name drop gives you an inkling of where this band resides musically. It’d be unfair to say that the… Continue Reading →

Killbody Tuning – Hello! Welcome, So Far… (Hummus Records)

I am no stranger to the Hummus roster with the likes of Impure Wilhelmina, Coilguns, Red Kunz, NVRVD having releases in my collection, the label aims squarely at the experimental side of post rock or metal, whatever you want to… Continue Reading →

Dementia Senex – Heartworm (Drown Within)

An enjoyable spraying of tooth decay and phlegm here from this Italian five piece, who manage to marry the eerie rumble of ‘Inside the Torn Apart’/’Words from the Exit Wound’ era Napalm Death, the concussive melody of Cult of Luna… Continue Reading →

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