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Tag Coroner

Tar Pond – Petrol (Prophecy Productions)

With a band name and an album title such as the above this was never gonna be light and fluffy or fast and spiky.  The fact that I have drank too much coffee this morning certainly puts me at odds with this dirty… Continue Reading →

Hellwitch – Annihilational Intercention (Listenable Records)

If, like me, you are of a certain age then you will have experienced the great pleasure of trawling record racks for underground gems in the vinyl sections of independent music stores looking for albums to add to your collection… Continue Reading →

Vorbid – A Swan By The Edge Of Mandala (Indie Recordings)

There are a number of things that strike you when you see and listen to this sophomore by Norwegian progressive experimental thrashers Vorbid and that’s the very arty cover, the slightly strange album title, the sound which has an ultra-polished… Continue Reading →

Darkrise – Circle Of Failure (Punishing Records)

Quite why I’ve never come across this Swiss act is puzzling such is their relatively prolific discography over the span of about two decades. Though I will rectify that by investigating their back catalogue forthwith as this sixth release sees… Continue Reading →

Damn The Machine: The Story Of Noise Records by David E Gehlke (Deliberation Press)

The year was 1988. And for the past 12 months a large portion of my purchases had been from the catalogue of just one record label: Noise International. I’d realised that I could pick up all the more mainstream metal… Continue Reading →

Horrendous – Anareta (Dark Descent)

Prolific label of renowned quality. Prolific band of renowned quality. Seems a match made in heaven (or hell if you prefer). Dark Descent have become one of THE go-to outlets for quality black and death metal, helped in no small… Continue Reading →

Repulsor – Trapped in a Nightmare (Thrashing Madness Productions)

Some `retro’ style releases are more convincing than others; with some bands you get the impression that they missed the point of the original genre of yesteryear that they are trying  to emulate. Not so with Gdansk-based Repulsor, who absolutely… Continue Reading →

Mortuary Drape – Spiritual Independence (Iron Tyrant)

If you dig deep enough amongst the swathes of generic, identikit black metal bands out there in the world, occasionally you come across a rare treat; a truly original band. These obscure, underground veterans from Northern Italy have been ploughing… Continue Reading →

Dungortheb – Extracting Souls (Great Dane)

Shock horror, here we have a band who have plundered J.R.R. Tolkein’s much ravished chest for their name and they do not play black metal! If you are looking for that go track down an obscure demo by German pagan… Continue Reading →

Loudblast – Burial Ground (Listenable)

Churning out some of the best in European deathly thrash for nearly thirty years – legendary French crew Loudblast are back with ‘Burial Ground’ – their seventh studio album and debut release for Listenable Records. If you’re not familiar with… Continue Reading →

Interview – Hybris

The sound of ‘Heavy Machinery’ is coming and if you like a mix of technical thrash it’s a sound to embrace before it steamrollers over and flattens you. Although a band you may not have heard of the UK based… Continue Reading →

Hybris – Heavy Machinery (Candlelight)

Forming in 2010, Hybris already have quite the pedigree in the UK metal scene. This is due to the fact their members consist of former members of sludge monsters Centurions Ghost, a former member from classic heavy metal crew Stuka… Continue Reading →

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