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Kommando Baphomet – Under The Deathsign (Godz Ov War)

So back in 2019 I was a bit more of a fresh face to War Metal, fresh in as much as I’d taken more of an interest in the genre. I’d got into the classics and taken my time to… Continue Reading →

Blasphamagoatachrist – Bastardizing The Purity (Nuclear War Now)

Is War Metal the trvest genre of all? Or is it just a little too try hard? I care less and less about being ‘kvlt’ everyday, life’s too short, just have fun (damn I sound lame). Despite this pathetic rambling… Continue Reading →

Abysmal Lord – Exaltation Of The Infernal Cabal (Hells Headbangers)

It is often frowned upon to be a genre Nazi. I can understand why, after all it is a bit like being lectured if you happen to fall prey to such a creature. I myself am a genre Nazi however,… Continue Reading →

Concrete Winds – Primitive Force (Sepulchral Voice)

There is no denying that Vorum created a foul stench in their brief and vile career but the band have it appears crash and burned. The couple of times I saw them and of course their album Poisoned Void 2103… Continue Reading →

Deiphago – I, The Devil (Hells Headbangers)

Blackened Death Metal, can there be a more pure genre? A marriage of perfect proportions bringing together all that is good from the underground and merging these two scenes in seamless harmony. However I can’t say I’ve always been the… Continue Reading →

Imprecation – Damnatio Ad Bestias (Dark Descent)

One thing that I really love about being completely obsessed with music is discovering all of the cult bands and releases. It fills you with a strange sense of achievement as if you’ve attained some sort of prowess in your… Continue Reading →

Diabolic Force – Praise Of Satan (Hells Headbangers)

Just recently I have been questioned many a time on the subject of trve Metal, what does it mean? How can you explain it? And so forth. So here and now I aim to explain my definition, in one comedic… Continue Reading →

Provocator – Satan, Chaos, Blood And Terror (Moribund)

Recently I have found myself enamored by Bestial Black Metal or War Metal if you like. Raw untamed, relentless Black Metal with a heavy Death Metal influence taking inspiration from the beginnings of Extreme Metal with an excessive worship towards… Continue Reading →

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