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Tag Classic Rock

Dynamite – Blackout Station (High Roller Records)

Sweden have a knack for turning out bands which excel in metal and hard rock. Whether this is to do with something in the air or water which I mentioned previously with regards to the Scandinavian metal scene or whether… Continue Reading →

Magna Vice – Serpent of Wisdom (Inverse Records)

 Progressive rock is one of those genres that metal fans tend to either love or loathe; some find it way too self-indulgent, lengthy and unnecessarily complex, whereas others love the over-the-top , overwhelming musical structures, and the sheer creativity and… Continue Reading →

Beelzefuzz – ST (The Church Within)

You really cannot fault the band name can you, especially when it comes at a time when everything decent and catchy has been used. Beelzefuzz whose moniker puts a smile on my face every time I hear it have been… Continue Reading →

Interview – Corsair

You may recall how impressed and taken I was with the Shadow Kingdom debut album from US rockers Corsair, and as it came so out of the blue to me I was intrigued as to who these classy upstarts were… Continue Reading →

Corsair – ST (Shadow Kingdom)

Corsair are one of those almost defiantly not modern metal bands who wander out of the US in particular now and then; a rock band who hark back to the days when Thin Lizzy were the heaviest thing on the… Continue Reading →

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