A desolate scene decorates the cover of Uniform’s new album American Standard. In it, a power plant or some kind of processing site is blasting smoke into the air, and the yellow hue of the semi-dark scene suggests heavy pollution…. Continue Reading →
There’s a couple of metal bands with this moniker but this version is from Spain and delves into the cataclysmic doom-death subgenre for a third album packed with ideas. I’ve seen various sources purporting that the band blends quite a… Continue Reading →
It’s been over half a decade since Dimmu Borgir have released an album and I’m not counting the release of a live recording from 25 years ago. and while I initially thought this would be a rerecording of all the… Continue Reading →
With a band name and an album title such as the above this was never gonna be light and fluffy or fast and spiky. The fact that I have drank too much coffee this morning certainly puts me at odds with this dirty… Continue Reading →
Apparently I completely overlooked the debut album from this reclusive outfit. In 2015 they released their debut full length, entitled (deep breath) ‘Tribute To Krzysztof Penderecki – Passion Et Mors Domini Nostri Jesu Christi Secundum Lucum’ which I guess I’m… Continue Reading →
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