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Tag Carnival in Coal

Ketha – Wendigo (Moans Music)

This “soundtrack to a dying world” comes from Polish experimental band Ketha. This is their fourth album release, accompanying a couple of EP’s, one of which is called “#!%16.7”. Imagine walking into a record shop and asking for that one…. Continue Reading →

Dronte – Quelque part entre la guerre et la lâcheté (Apathia)

Seven musicians create some sort of fusion. With a double bass and a saxophone in tow, the Beatles, Russian Circles, Napalm Death, Meshuggah and Rimsky-Korsakov are amongst many from many classical and modern pop and metal genres who get mentioned… Continue Reading →

Doctor Livingstone – Triumphus Haeretici (Osmose)

There’s more than a whiff of lunacy within the French extreme music scene. If you look at bands like Anorexia Nervosa, Carnival In Coal, Pensees Nocturnes & The CNK, just to name a few, they are all a sandwich short… Continue Reading →

6:33 – Deadly Scenes (Kaotoxin Records)

To follow their previous album and collaboration with Carnival in Coal “The Stench from the Swelling (A True Story)” (2013), this Parisian band’s latest work also falls further into the twisted avant-garde sphere with recognisable rock metal melodies. As someone… Continue Reading →

Way to End – Various Shades of Black (Ladlo Productions)

I’m always up for a bit of avant-garde black metal, and this band seems to fit the bill nicely. I’ve not heard Way to End’s previous album “Desecrated Internal Journey” (2009) but reading reviews of it and listening to “Various… Continue Reading →

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