There are times when you just know. When you know that something is right, just and beautiful. When it’s ripe, glowing and succulent. When it glows, pulsates, and engorges. This may sound like the prelude to either an overly dramatic… Continue Reading →
This is the third full length from this well-known Canadian band. There are the expected doom influences and a lot of traditional metal too. The label and band are fans of Pagan Altar, so expect some influences to shine through… Continue Reading →
It’s all been a bit confusing about birthdays of late and what you can and cannot do during them. We were told that parties were not allowed and then the person who said this allegedly had one themselves, although it… Continue Reading →
I don’t know about you but it always swells my heart when a band I have followed through the years is still making fresh and invigorating material and not simply going through the motions as a nostalgia act. Voivod are… Continue Reading →
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