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Tag Burzum

Brume D’Automne – ST (Sepulchral Productions)

This second full length from the Quebecois duo of Athros and Nordet, who also play in Forteresse and Ur Falc’h respectively, has been a difficult album to review. I was keen to hear it because of the Forteresse connection, although… Continue Reading →

Hrafnblóð – Heathen Psalms (Wodfreca Records)

I admit to having severe cynicism for one man (or woman) metal projects, as it conjures up images of desperate teenage angst ridden isolationists spreading themselves far too thinly without actually mastering one particular instrument and do it full justice… Continue Reading →

Burzum – Umskiptar (Byleobog Productions)

Since Varg Vikernes regained his freedom there has been a veritable flurry of activity from him. With plenty of time to formulate his ideas and reflect upon what he wanted to do but was constrained against doing due to obvious… Continue Reading →

Vargnatt – Durch die Stille (Karge Welten Kunstverlag / Wolfsgrimm Records)

This 30 minute EP follows two 2007 demos of black metal ambiance. What we’re promised from the German musician behind it is something raw and aggressive compared to the previous melancholic and atmospheric works. Sure enough, the five track work… Continue Reading →

Isengard – Vinterskugge (Peaceville Records)

Album (re-release with bonus commentary cd) When I first heard the music of Isengard, the solo project of Darkthrone’s Fenriz, it was like enlightenment. I guess it was about 10 years ago. I was into Black Metal and had heard… Continue Reading →

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