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Tag Brutal Death Metal

Mass Infection – Shadows Became Flesh (Comatose)

To actually be just one genre nowadays is pretty difficult, especially with the rise of the sort of Bandcamp generation that is hell-bent on creating new tags daily which latterly become sub-sub-sub genres. Really it’s all a bit crazy but… Continue Reading →

Lividity – Perverseverance (Metal Age Productions)

When you get into Brutal Death Metal you have to be ready for a whole new shock factor. If you thought that your mum washing your Morbid Angel shirt back in the day was bad then imagine how she would… Continue Reading →

Wurm Flesh – Excoriation Evisceration (Comatose)

How much more can I rant on about Brutal Death Metal? Probably a whole lot more, and I won’t stop until all reading this are polishing their Slam hammers and awaiting their first Waking The Cadaver gig. Any how as… Continue Reading →

Kill Everything – Scorched Earth (Comatose)

Every once in a while an artist comes along to totally change your perception on music. Admittedly this euphoric bliss occurs less and less as we edge closer to our unavoidable demise but nevertheless it always has an enlightening power… Continue Reading →

Abhorrent Deformity – Slaughter Monolith (Comatose Music)

The face of Death Metal is changing at a rapid pace with steps along the way that mark new-found genres, but I do feel in some respects that these changes are more rampant than perhaps any other genre in the… Continue Reading →

Posthuman Abomination – Transcending Embodiment (Comatose Music)

Flooding both musically and environmentally is generally a disaster it causes damage and in a musical sense causes reviewers and fans to trawl through endless hours of audio in search of a diamond in the rough. Sometimes I do honestly… Continue Reading →

Aborted Fetus – The Ancient Spirits Of Decay (Comatose Music)

Brutal Death Metal, I love it so very much. To me its very existence is spawned from extremity a means of gaining a leg up over each and every predecessor to be something more brutal, fast, vile, shocking and horrific…. Continue Reading →

Skinless – Savagery (Relapse)

What does it take to make a mark in the world of metal? In this day and age it probably isn’t enough to merely be the heaviest of the heavy, the crown is moved on an almost daily basis and… Continue Reading →

Devangelic – Phlegethon (Comatose Music)

It is fair to say that Devangelic’s sophomore release `Phlegethon’ is one heavy album. Meatier than a 48 ounce steak between two giant hams, this is a truly crushing, devastating album. This is a prime cut, if you will, of… Continue Reading →

Logic Of Denial – Aftermath (Comatose Music)

I was due one. This is the third album from Italians, Logic of Denial and this brutal technical death metal band have produced a concept album based on the stages of grieving. Are your alarm bells ringing yet? Mine were….and… Continue Reading →

Origin – Unparalleled Universe (Agonia Records)

Origin are now verging on a 20 year history and since their inception in Kansas, USA, they have delivered a brutal and unrelenting brand of death metal which makes everyone sit up and take note. “Unparalleled universe” is Origins 7th… Continue Reading →

Blasphemer – Ritual Theophagy (Comatose Music)

Six years of silence preceded the apparent opening of the musical gates of hell, resulting in this three headed death metal beast escaping and unleashing its sonic torment on the world. Armed with brutal riffs, deafening blasts and plenty of… Continue Reading →

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