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Tag Boersma Records)

Terrible Headache – Der Rote Baron (Boersma Records)

So, I don’t know too much about Terrible Headache, except for two things: 1) They are German; and 2) Before this, their last album was released way back in 1998. Now, I have this mate who has a number of… Continue Reading →

Vex – Golden Times (Boersma Records)

I have to say that if you let your PR company send out a release that says you are unique and coin a new sub genre for you, you’d better brace yourself as some smartarse reviewer will tell you you’re… Continue Reading →

Joyless Euphoria – Dreaming In Ultraviolet (Boersma Records)

As broad a genre as Metal is each and every new avenue explored is often met with ridicule and disgust, it really is a wonder how we have come to have so many genres today. Speaking of modern times this… Continue Reading →

Praying Angel – The Judgement (Boersma Records)

I often feel for upcoming metal bands dealing with the constant wrangling of genre tagging and the inevitable pigeon holing that that stigma attaches to a band whether in a positive or negative light. For some that negativity can stain… Continue Reading →

Menschenfresser – Sterben (Boersma Records)

Roughly translated as ‘Man Eaters’, Menschenfresser are an old school death metal/thrash metal three piece who formed in 2006 and hail from Trier in the depths of the Rhineland in Germany. With two demos, an EP and three full length… Continue Reading →

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